More than 29,000 unsold homes in the first 3 months, Dewan Negara said


Ismail Abdul Muttalib says the local government and housing ministry is asking developers to carry out feasibility studies before launching new projects to alleviate oversupply.

KUALA LUMPUR: It was reported that a total of 29,698 finished houses, of the 127,604 units launched with a value of more than RM18 million, were not sold in the first quarter (Q1) of this year, said the Deputy Minister of Housing and Local Government, Ismail Abdul. Muttalib.

He said records at the National Property Information Center showed this was lower compared to 30,664 unsold units in the fourth quarter of last year.

“Among the reasons for this are the impossibility of buying according to the market price and the lack of an integrated system that ensures a match in terms of supply and demand depending on the location,” he said during question time at Dewan Negara. today. .

He said this in response to a question from Ahmad Azam Hamzah, who wanted to know the ministry’s guarantee to ensure that the houses built would be sold.

Ismail said that one of the ministry’s efforts was to limit the maximum price of affordable housing to RM300,000 under the National Affordable Housing Policy.

He said that aside from that, the ministry had also asked developers to carry out feasibility studies so that the problem of oversupply could be overcome in the long term.

He said the ministry was conducting a housing data analysis study to get a real picture of housing management in the country.

“The study will be used as input for the development of a proprietary data collection center platform, including supply and demand, to aid decision-making at the federal and state government levels, as well as to assist in the provision of more comprehensive national information. housing policies and planning, ”he said.

He added that the government was also developing the Integrated Housing Management System, which would act as a single center for matters under the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act of 1966 and for updating information on private housing development.

The system is expected to be ready by April.
