More than 1,300 detainees in immigration warehouses positive for Covid-19


KUALA LUMPURMore than 1,300 people detained in immigration warehouses have tested positive for Covid-19 since May, Deputy Interior Minister Ismail Mohamed Said told Dewan Rakyat today.

He said that during the same period, the Bukit jail detention center had the highest number of infections, 650.

He said this was followed by the Langkap immigration depot with 48, the Semenyih detention center (127), KLIA (77) and the remaining 20 at the Belantik, Putrajaya, Lenggeng and Juru detention depots.

“The Department of Prisons had tested 60,583 prisoners for Covid-19 since August 29 and 829 tested positive,” he said in response to a question from Dr. Lee Boon Chye (PH-Gopeng), who had asked the ministry to indicate the Covid number. -19 patients in immigration warehouses and prisons.

He also asked about the SOP for officers involved in the management of prisoners and detainees.

Ismail said the SOP was based on receiving (detainees and prisoners) and removing prisoners and detainees for treatment and bringing them to court.

He said that in prison it is a 14-day process in which a prisoner will be isolated for five days in the detention room while waiting for the test result.

He said that if it is positive, the prisoner will be sent to the hospital and if it is negative, he will be sent to the isolation room for another nine days.

He said that only after 14 days of isolation and with negative results, the prisoner will be sent back to prison.

He said that when it comes to detention deposits, the same SOP is used where physical distancing was implemented in the cells, especially when the accused is brought to court.
