More parties urge PAS man to retract insult to Scripture


Donald Mojuntin, Japiril Suhaimin and Terence Siambun criticized the comments of Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh of PAS.

KOTA KINABALU: More Sabah political leaders have urged Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh of PAS to withdraw his comments in the Dewan Rakyat recently about alleged “distortions” in Christian scriptures.

Upko Vice President Donald Peter Mojuntin said Zawawi’s action in defending his statement outside of Parliament was outrageous and offensive to Christians.

“When I first found out, I didn’t believe it, but he (Zawawi) kept defending his statement,” Mojuntin said. “Any well-intentioned Malay cannot forgive his attitude, as if he is trying to cause divisions among Malaysians.”

Mojuntin said he was waiting for Zawawi’s friends (at PAS) to scold him.

SAPP Vice President Japiril Suhaimin said top PAS leaders should avoid making sensitive statements that would cause further polarization.

“Do not forget that you are one of the political leaders of the country. Emphasize moderation, sensitivity, and consideration of the feelings of others, especially on matters of religion and race, ”he said.

Warisan General Treasurer Terrence Siambun said: “Zawawi has shown that he was unable to control himself not to speak words that clearly demean others. For this reason, he must be admonished so that others do not repeat such acts, “he said today.

Zawawi, a Pasir Puteh MP, made his comments during a debate with Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham, who had said that Christians are allowed to drink alcohol but that Christianity forbids drunkenness. In response, Zawawi said that the Bible had been altered.

Although he has been criticized for his comments, Zawawi has refused to apologize.
