Monkey see, monkey do: Malaysian primate poses on stolen phone


KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian student whose cell phone was stolen while he was sleeping has located the culprit: a monkey who took photos and videos with the device before leaving it.

Zackrydz Rodzi, 20, said on September 16 that his phone was not in his room when he woke up on Saturday. He found the phone case under his bed, but there were no signs of burglary at his home in the southern state of Johor.

When his father saw a monkey the next day, he searched the jungle behind his house. Using his brother’s phone to call his own device, he found it covered in mud under a palm tree. But a bigger surprise was when he found a series of selfies and videos of monkeys recorded on the phone.

This image made from video provided by Zackrydz Rodzi shows a monkey taking a selfie holding a cell phone upside down in Batu Pahat in the southern state of Johor, Malaysia on September 12, 2020. - ZACKRYDZ RODZI / APThis image made from video provided by Zackrydz Rodzi shows a monkey taking a selfie holding a cell phone upside down in Batu Pahat in the southern state of Johor, Malaysia on September 12, 2020. – ZACKRYDZ RODZI / AP

“My uncle was joking that maybe the monkey took some selfies with the phone… So when I went through the photo gallery on my phone, I was shocked. The suspect’s face was plastered on the screen. It was really funny, “said Zackrydz.

He said he was curious as to why the monkey took the phone and not the camera or other things in his room. He said the primate must have thought it was food, as it has a colorful carcass.

Most of the images were blurry, but some showed the monkey’s face. One of the videos taken from the top of a tree showed flashes of the monkey opening its mouth and appearing to try to eat the phone.

“My house is now in total lockdown,” Zackrydz said, laughing, adding that he didn’t want the incident to repeat itself. – AP
