Mohamaddin’s misstep could cost Warisan election


YOUR OPINION | “The Lahad Datu confrontation was a matter of national security, it should not be turned into campaign material …”

Mohamaddin apologizes for comments on Ops Daulat

Warisan suffers a self-inflicted blow at a critical time in the Sabah campaign

Army Voters Angry Over Mohamaddin’s Fake Pax In Lahad Datu

Itslengry02: Lahad Datu MP Mohamaddin Ketapi could be the reason why Warisan Plus did not win the Sabah state elections this Saturday.

It should not scoff at the sacrifices made by those on the front lines during the 2013 Lahad Datu confrontation in the village of Tanduo.

An apology will not make people forget the statement that was made. Even after Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia Zahidi Zainul Abidin apologized for his comment on student Veveonah Mosibin, people will not forget what he did.

Because of this, Warisan Plus is heating up. Why did Mohamaddin even mention this (that the 2013 incident was just a ‘sandiwara’ (organized act) by the federal government back then)?

He shouldn’t do this like campaign materials (campaign material). This is a matter of national security. Why did you make a joke about it?

The conflict is real and as part of those who live in the eastern Sabah area, it terrifies me because maybe it could happen in my hometown.

This is a lesson for any politician. Before saying something, think twice.

Malaysia Bharu: His name sounds familiar to me. Wasn’t he the minister of tourism, arts and culture of the federal administration of Pakatan Harapan? God forbid!

Mohamaddin’s opinion on the Lahad Datu intrusion, as well as Covid-19, is so childish and stupid that any voter with half a brain will reject it on voting day.

Isn’t that what it’s called: politicians who don’t have ideas? Aside from the 1963 Malaysia Accord (MA63), there are 101 other hot topics in Sabah that need the attention of leaders.

This man has not only insulted the security forces, Covid-19 leaders and the Minister of Health with his comments, but is a clear and present danger to the current Warisan Chief Minister Shafie Apdal, who is campaigning. on the noble platform of enhancing the well-being of the neglected and marginalized, as well as uniting Malaysians regardless of their race, religion and status.

Mohamaddin’s apology makes no sense considering that the issues in question were never up for discussion. It sounds so shallow, empty, and totally disconnected from the abundance of real issues that need to be addressed in Sabah.

Don’t just talk: It takes a real Pinhead leader for making such an unnecessary statement when his party is fighting in the Sabah state elections.

This loose cannon does not appear to be a brilliant and intelligent leader like Shafie and is a drag on the Warisan party.

We hope that Sabahans will continue to support Shafie in eliminating Malaysia’s corruption epidemic and also in ending these ‘katak’ politicians.

Russian Yellow5552: If Warisan loses, the fault must be his. That’s the problem when you want rub most seats, even when there are no winning candidates. Even Mohamaddin’s tenure as Minister of Tourism was mediocre.

Warisan has four days to do the damage control, but I think the damage is done. It will be a close race to the finish line. Hopefully the most ethical and least corrupt part wins.

Bobby0: The future of Sabah cannot be compromised just by a reckless statement made by a politician. Voters for the upcoming state elections should think about the future direction of their state government.

Politicians come and go. It is the voters who have to face reality on a daily basis. Therefore, do not vote using your emotions or feelings. Vote for leaders who really care about the future of the state.

My children from Malaysia: Yes, at the end of the day, voters should decide which coalition would make life more comfortable for them.

Many politicians on both sides say the wrong things at the wrong times. Some even say nothing, but do things behind our backs.

But the basic problem is that we still have incompetent leaders and many layers of corruption in government where they openly cheat the nation’s coffers.

I think, therefore I exist: Both sides have had their share of Don Quixotes.

But I think the biggest self-inflicted wounds are on the side of Perikatan Nasional when you have allies competing with each other for many seats.

Billy the kid: This is precisely the problem with warped-minded leaders who are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.

This deputy is a Trojan horse because at a critical time in the future, he cannot be asked to endorse and take on the party’s policies.

As for his integrity, I have little faith in him. It’s a big stab in the back for Warisan and her associates.

Thick skin: This is how BN / PN tries to create disunity. One person allegedly made a statement and all the Warisan politicians are together.

Why is the nation not displeased with Najib Abdul Razak and his family for allegedly robbing the nation, and the rakyat are not angry with Umno?

Adi in SQ: @Thickskin Precisely, Umno ruled the country for most of their lives.

And for most of our lives, we’ve had low wages, substandard housing, substandard equipment, and worst of all, their leaders allegedly stole billions and billions without caring one iota.

Without a doubt, Warisan and Pakatan Harapan can do better. Vote with your brain!

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