MOH reactivates the special account Covid-19


KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Health (MINSA) today reactivated the special Covid-19 account to allow the public to make donations to the ministry in support of its efforts to address the pandemic.

Its general secretary, Datuk Seri, Dr. Chen Chaw Min, said that after the reactivation, the Ministry of Finance approved a tax deduction for contributions and cash donations deposited in the account, in accordance with subsection 44 (6 ) of the 1967 Income Tax Law.

He said the Ministry of Health has never appointed any party or individual to act as its agent in collecting cash contributions for the ministry.

“The reactivation of the special account was carried out following requests from various parties who want to make cash contributions to the ministry due to the increase in the count of Covid-19 cases since the end of last September.

“Cash donations can be channeled through RHB Bank (account number: 2-66016-0002347-5) under the name ‘Sumbangan Perubatan KKM,'” he said today in a statement.

Dr. Chen said that the Ministry of Health also expressed its appreciation and gratitude to businesses, non-governmental organizations and the public who are willing to come forward and donate to the ministry in an effort to address Covid-19.

The special bank account was opened on March 23, and the collected donations would be used to purchase medical equipment, drugs and other medical necessities at the Ministry of Health facilities to assist frontline doctors in their battle against the pandemic.

On May 31, the Ministry of Health deactivated the account after a drop in positive cases of Covid-19 with a total contribution of RM31,671,903.27.

Dr. Chen said that as of September 30, RM30,597,202.81 of the total amount had been used to purchase medical equipment such as ventilators, infrared thermometers, ultrasound equipment, beds, and also reagents used for Covid-19 testing, as well as transporting to the officials of the Ministry of Health. to Sabah.

For further inquiries, the public can contact 03-88833111 or email [email protected]. -Called
