MMEA scores RM105mil bust | The star


GEORGE TOWN: Malaysia’s Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) has foiled an attempt to smuggle 2,118 kg of methamphetamine worth RM 105.9 million into the country, the second success in a week.

The December 9 seizure is also the largest ever recorded by any enforcement agency in the country.

On December 3, the agency arrested two foreigners and seized RM10.53 thousand worth of drugs off the western coast of Penang.

MMEA Director General (Maritime) Admiral Datuk Mohd Zubil Mat Som said that a team on a routine Ops Pertiwi patrol spotted a white and blue recreational boat near Pulau Kendi, which appeared suspicious, operated by a man around from 11.30 am

“The patrol team approached the boat and ordered the man to stop. Instead of turning off the engine, however, the man sped up.

“This resulted in a 30-minute chase before the man suddenly jumped into the sea, leaving the ship at full speed without a crew.

“We stopped it and we managed to stop the ship so as not to endanger other vessels in the area,” he said yesterday at a press conference here.

Admiral Zubil said the methamphetamine was packaged in 1,998 packages of Chinese tea that were kept in 130 yellow sacks.

He said the 26-year-old man admitted that he was paid between RM5,000 and RM10,000 for each trip that brought the drugs.

“The man left Sungai Juru and headed for international waters before exchanging the ship for the one containing the drugs.

“His ship would be piloted by another party, which is part of the drug trafficking syndicate, which is believed to be returned to a neighboring country.

“The 12.4-meter-long ship, worth RM 150,000, has also been seized,” he said, adding that the man had been in pre-trial detention for seven days to facilitate investigations under Section 39 (b). of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1952.

MMEA is still investigating

where the drugs come from and whether they are destined for neighboring countries.
