MMA: regulate online health service and the purchase of medicines


PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) has called for proper regulation to be established for online health and drug services.

Its president, Professor Datuk Dr. Subramaniam Muniandy (Photo) said in a statement on Saturday (December 26) that the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) and the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) should conduct an audit on such services to protect patients.

“While online health consultations are an important complement during the pandemic, they must be accompanied by the highest and strictest standards of data privacy, medical-legal and ethical considerations.

“Physicians offering online services should be aware of the limits of online consultations and should advise patients on face-to-face consultations when cases warrant appropriate physical examinations or when there are barriers to communication online,” he said.

Dr. Subramanian also said that a comprehensive approach should be taken with each consultation so that physicians can make an accurate diagnosis with appropriate management instituted in the best interest of the patient.

“Comfort should never compromise the safety and health of patients.

“The sale of drugs is governed by the 1952 Poisoning Act and its regulations. Any deviation from the rules and regulations of the Law may threaten patient safety and is subject to the legal scope of the Law, ”he said.

He added that the provision of drugs for chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as hypertension, diabetes or hypercholesterolemia, must be accompanied by appropriate counseling, tests or appropriate examinations.

Dr. Subramanian highlighted that reviews by medical professionals at regular intervals of three to six months were important in observing the effectiveness of treatment.

“Medications should not be repeated without regular monitoring.

“Online consultations and prescriptions should never be used as ‘a convenience tool’ for repeat dispensing of medications without proper medical advice and a full assessment of the patient’s condition.
