Ministry of Transport: Road Transport (Amendment) Act 2020 coming into force on October 23


PETALING JAYA: The Road Transportation (Amendment) Act of 2020 (RTA) will come into effect on October 23, as it received the appointment date from the Attorney General’s Office, says the Ministry of Transportation.

Minister Datuk Seri, Dr. Wee Ka Siong, said this was a historic and significant moment, adding that he had signed the gazette as minister on Wednesday (October 21).

With this, I wish to inform everyone that the Road Transportation (Amendment) Act 2020, which carries more severe penalties for traffic offenses, particularly those related to Sections 41 to 45, will take effect as of October 23 .

“We hope that the latest amendments will create greater public awareness among road users to obey traffic laws and ensure that our roads are safer for everyone,” he said in a statement on Wednesday (October 21).

Dr. Wee said that since taking office as Minister of Transportation, road safety has been a central priority in terms of improving compliance policies and practices under the purview of the Ministry, particularly in the 1987 RTA amendment.

He added that through his instructions, the Department of Road Transportation (JPJ) had immediately begun to finalize the draft amendments to RTA 1987 as of May 4, adding that during that same period it had also held dialogues with other actors. as community leaders and heads of non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Dr. Wee said that he presented the bill to amend the RTA to Cabinet on July 17, adding that the first reading was presented in the Dewan Rakyat on July 27.

On August 26, the bill was passed in Dewan Rakyat, and on September 22, the Dewan Negara passed it.

“I would like to take this opportunity to register my deepest appreciation to His Majesty and the support of my fellow MPs for allowing the timely passage of the bill in both Houses.

“The publication of these new amendments will serve to greatly strengthen and improve RTA 1987 in the interest of Malaysian road users and pedestrians,” he said.
