‘Mem’ wanted a businessman to prepare a consulting deal, Rosmah trial said


Rosmah Mansor, wife of former Prime Minister Najib Razak, is on trial on three counts of bribery.

KUALA LUMPUR: A businessman told the High Court today that a certain “Mem”, whom he later confirmed to be Rosmah Mansor, wanted me to prepare a consulting agreement for a solar hybrid project for rural schools in Sarawak.

Lawrence Tee Kien Moon, 51, said the matter was brought to him by former Rosmah aide Rizal Mansor during their May 2016 meeting at the Pavilion Mall, which was also attended by Rayyan Radzwill Abdullah (the part Jepak Holdings former managing director Saidi Abang Samsudin).

Tee said Rizal told him to prepare a consulting agreement for a project to supply and install solar panels in more than 300 schools in Sarawak.

“I questioned the request and gave the same answer I gave Rayyan, that Jepak’s attorney could prepare the agreement. I also told Datuk Rizal that I had never prepared such an agreement before and that I had to ask my lawyer to prepare it.

“Datuk Rizal told me then that I had to do it because ‘Mem’ wanted me to do it. I did not ask him who “Mem” was, but I agreed to his request because Datuk Rizal was the special officer of Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, ”he said during the chief examination by Deputy Prosecutor Poh Yih Tinn.

When asked by Poh who ‘Mem’ is, the witness replied “Datin Seri Rosmah”.

The witness, who was appointed as a consultant to a company in Vietnam in 2016, said that at that time there was no discussion on the commercial terms for such an agreement because Rizal said “Mem masih discuss” (Mem was still discussing the matter) and the meeting It only lasted 15-20 minutes as Tee had to leave for Singapore.

“After a few days, Datuk Rizal contacted me and asked me about the consulting agreement. At that time I was in Vietnam. I passed a USB stick to my secretary that contained examples of consulting agreements that I found on the Internet to print.

“I found the samples during my free time in Singapore. I looked for ‘template’ and samples of consulting agreements to be used as a reference in the elaboration of said consulting agreement ”, he said.

Tee said recalling that the contract value of the solar project was more than RM 1 billion and the payment terms were for multiple years and more than 10 percent of the total contract value.

“At the time, Datuk Rizal said that he wanted me to select a company to execute such an agreement with Jepak. I asked them why they didn’t use their own company, which was easier from a management perspective, but they refused, “he said.

The witness said that he prepared the consulting agreement from an internet sample and drafted the agreement in English.

“The parties named in the agreement were Jepak Holdings and Lucky Victory Limited as consultants. I chose Lucky Victory, which is an “offshore company” based in Taiwan, to act as a consultant for that (solar) project, ”he said.

Previously, the court denied a request by defense attorney Akberdin Abdul Kader to challenge Saidi’s evidence for allegedly giving contradictory testimony regarding the withdrawal of RM 1.5 million allegedly delivered to Rosmah.

Rosmah, the wife of former Prime Minister Najib Razak, is charged with one count of soliciting RM187.5 million and two counts of receiving bribes totaling RM6.5 million from Saidi.

The bribes were allegedly received through Rizal as a reward for helping Jepak Holdings secure the Integrated Hybrid Photovoltaic Solar System Project, as well as the maintenance and operation of diesel generator sets, for 369 rural Sarawak schools worth RM1. 25 billion from the Ministry of Education. through direct negotiation.

The acts were allegedly committed in a cafe, Rosmah’s residence, and in Seri Perdana in Putrajaya between January 2016 and September 2017.

Tomorrow the hearing continues before Judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan.
