MCA must be proactive; 7.8 million new voters are coming, says the head of Youth


PETALING JAYA: MCA cannot maintain its old ways of thinking as there are expected to be at least 7.8 million new voters with the implementation of the 18-year voting age and automatic voter registration expected to begin in July .

MCA Youth Chief Datuk Nicole Wong said these young voters will be the ones who will determine the future of the country.

“In this sense, MCA Juventud must take proactive measures to ensure that accurate information and government policies are channeled to these young people, and we must also emphasize that the future of the country is not a trivial matter.

“It is your responsibility to vote to defend the values ​​of parliamentary democracy and the rights enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

“This opportunity to vote only comes every three to five years and each vote is important in determining the direction of our country during this period. This shows how important it is to choose a good government that will determine the future of the country. This is what should be emphasized to all Malaysians, especially young new voters.

“Furthermore, the significant increase in new voters also means that MCA cannot maintain its old ways of thinking that are no longer suitable for this era,” he said during the opening of the 56th MCA Youth Annual General Meeting on Saturday (March 6 ).

Last November, the minister of the Prime Minister’s Department (Parliament and Law) Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan, in a written response to Dewan Rakyat, noted that the implementation of the 18-year voting age and automatic voter registration are expected to start at last in July of this year.

He said that the Electoral Commission (EC) was currently working with the National Registration Department to make preparations to implement automatic voter registration and other related matters.

Wong noted that these new voters are Gen Z voters born between 1995 and 2010.

As such, he said that their thoughts and views are very different from those of the generation born in the 1970s, as well as those of the 1980s and early 1990s.

“Part of this difference is due to the rapid advancement of information and technology. Since this Gen Z is exposed to too much information, they are easily swayed by emotional instigation.

“This is very worrying. Also, since this generation has wide access to diverse information, their loyalty to any party and leader is not like previous generations.

“These young voters can be said to be a ‘double-edged sword’ as their support can change at any time when there are elections.

“In the midst of this uncertainty, how can we attract the support of young voters towards the struggles and goals of the MCA? This is a great challenge,” he said.

However, Wong said he believed that as long as the MCA youth wing still exists, they can work together to advance the national development plan so that these new voters can understand MCA’s struggle and their future.

“To focus on the lives of young people, we must formulate a good plan, such as creating job opportunities, reducing the burden of life, improving social well-being and others.

“What the youth want is for their voice to be heard. MCA Youth has already listed several ideas. Therefore, we must convince young people to give MCA a chance because MCA is the best option to chart the direction of the country. If we succeed, I am sure that MCA will be able to exist for another 72 years, ”she said.

He added that although they do not have sufficient representation in Parliament and state assemblies to influence the general situation, this was not an excuse for the Youth wing to stop working and surrender in the next general elections.

Wong said they have to keep working hard and learn from their mistakes while daring to reach out to people to bridge the gap.

He added that they should listen to the voices of the people and care about grassroots problems, as well as help them solve problems.

“This is what MCA should be doing. We want to tell people, especially the Chinese community, that we have heard your message during GE14 on May 9, 2018, and we have reflected on ourselves.

“This has strengthened us to continue fighting for social justice, racial harmony and the development of the country. The defeat at GE14 has given MCA the opportunity to rediscover the original direction and purpose of the party, which is to develop Malaysia for all, ”he said.
