May 9 anniversary reminds Malaysia of its missed opportunity


May 9 anniversary reminds Malaysia of its missed opportunity

Sheridan Mahavera

Sheridan Mahavera

Updated 8 hours ago ·
Posted on May 9, 2020 8:06 PM ·

The second anniversary of the historic 14th general election reminds Malaysia of its missed opportunities after the government changed for the first time in Malaysian history. – Malaysia Insight File photo, May 9, 2020.

TWO years after its most historic general election, Malaysia has lost the opportunity to become a stronger democracy and create a more just and equitable economy.

Reflecting on the second anniversary of GE14, academics, analysts, and civil society groups lamented the fact that these promises, made in the run-up to the 14th general election on May 9, remain unfulfilled to this day.

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