Masing: SDMC will decide Sunday on CMCO extension for Kuching


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KUCHING (November 20): The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) will meet on Sunday to decide whether to extend the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in the Kuching Division, said its acting chairman Tan Sri Datuk Amar, Dr. James Jemut Masing.

“This also takes into account the number of new cases (Covid-19) within these two days,” he announced today after chairing an SDMC meeting via Zoom.

The 14-day CMCO in Kuching district began on November 9 after SDMC made the decision following the increase in positive cases in the district and after discussing the matter with Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg. It is scheduled to end on November 22.

During the meeting, Masing, who is vice minister and minister of Port Infrastructure and Development, reminded all members to be vigilant and take extra precautions so that the red zone areas can become yellow zones faster.

“At the same time, the public must strictly adhere to the SOP set by the federal and Sarawak governments, no matter what zone they are in,” he said.

Masing said that in terms of traveling between zones from red to green to orange, or vice versa, a police permit would be required.

“However, traveling from green zone to green zone, where most of Sarawak is green, is not prohibited and commercial activities are not prohibited as long as SOPs are adhered to,” he added.

Another area Masing expressed concern about was border security. He reminded all the agencies that monitor the borders to ensure that no illegal visitors can cross the border into Sarawak, to contain the spread of Covid-19 and for security reasons.

Masing’s appointment came into effect after the Cabinet’s decision during its November 18 meeting, following the medical leave of Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas for one month. He will sit as interim president until December 17.

Uggah, who is the president of the SDMC, had a minor medical procedure on November 17 and is recovering and resting.
