Many happy with the relaxation of the rules under conditional MCO


IPOH: After being locked in the house for weeks, many people appreciate the relaxation of the rules under the Conditional Movement Control (MCO) order that went into effect on May 4.

Secretary Ahmad Zahiril Aiman, 43, said he was happy to be able to go to work and exercise again.

“These past few weeks, I’ve been working from home and I honestly don’t think it suits me.

“Some of my bosses took this as an opportunity to ask us to work after our normal office hours.

“One of my bosses once texted me at 3pm on Sunday and asked if I could complete a pending job.

“Working from home may be ideal for some, but it doesn’t suit me at all,” he said.

Ahmad said he had been religiously following the new normal of social estrangement, wearing a face mask and regularly washing his hands.

He said he was eager to go running alone soon.

“I still have to run but I plan to do it over the weekend,” he said.

The conditional MCO is seeing various economic sectors resume operations and people have more freedom to leave.

A broker who wished to be known only as Sandy, 32, said she welcomed the conditional MCO with open arms.

“I was very happy when the Prime Minister announced that some sports would be allowed during this phase of the MCO.

“Of course, I will follow the guidelines for practicing social distancing when jogging. I also don’t want to get infected with Covid-19.

“For the past few weeks, I have only been able to run on my treadmill, but since May 4, I have been able to run in my neighborhood,” she said, adding that she ran alone.

Sandy said she was hopeful that restaurants would soon be allowed to welcome customers to dinner.

“When I visited my favorite coffee shop, the owner expressed disappointment at the low turnover and profits. Most of her clients are local residents and prefer to dine rather than order takeout.

“He said he would certainly meet the guidelines if he were allowed to dine again. If restaurants can follow the guidelines, I think the government may consider allowing dinner again, “he said.

Some seem to push the relaxation of the rules too far. On May 8, 14 youths pleaded guilty to violating the MCO after they were caught partying in an apartment in Jalan CM Yusuff here.

Gathering for entertainment purposes is a violation of the MCO.

Student Kalai, 23, said he planned to visit his friends soon.

“Despite the rule, I could try visiting my friends who live near my house. It will be a short visit, and I just want to stop by to give them food since some of them live alone and don’t have money.

“I am lucky that my university is only a mile from my grandparents’ house. Most of my friends are renting.

“To stay connected, we use Zoom, WhatsApp video call and WeChat to talk to each other. I can’t really wait for the MCO to finish. I miss my friends terribly, ”he said.
