Many boomers are also with Syed Saddiq


YOUR OPINION | ‘Now approaching 80, I hope to see this young man achieve his dream of uniting all the inhabitants of M’s …’

Syed Saddiq to Dr. M: I serve Malays, not just Malays

Malaysia Bharu: Regardless of what was said about Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, he has stood firm against the schemers and traitors in Bersatu and has proven himself to be a man of conscience.

Best wishes to him on his newest adventure to spearhead a youth-focused, multiracial political movement to unite Malaysians. This is something new in our antiquated political landscape rooted in race and religion in the clutches of decadent selfish politicians who largely passed the expiration date.

The biggest obstacle to Syed Saddiq’s noble mission are people like Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Young people are the way to go if we want to save ourselves from the future of a failed nation headed down the path of racial and religious extremism.

I ardently hope that all Malaysians will give Syed Saddiq their utmost support for the success of this endeavor which requires hard and persistent effort. God bless you.

Just a Malaysian: Malaysian politics are in the dustbin and Syed Saddiq’s new approach is refreshing and much needed. A politics based on fear, division and harassment will get us nowhere. Perikatan Nasional (PN) represents the worst there is in any government.

Conflicts and global turmoil begin when one group tries to dominate another. It never ends well with all parties losing. It is a negative sum game.

Syed Saddiq, this beautiful country deserves a new beginning and it is very fitting that you, a smart young Malaysian, start it.

Anonymous_15897060865429524: The elderly of Malaysia are the cause of the ills of this country. Racism. Corruption. Islamic fascism.

My generation and the generations before me are the ones who ruined this country. Today’s youth have a chance. They can do what we didn’t do.

I support them. Not for me. My generation will never see a fair Malaysia. It is too late for us. I support them for my children and grandchildren.

Light: A young man teaching a veteran the right way to think. What a relief for the future of the country to hear from this young leader, but what a shame for the old man who has cemented his racist views since the 1960s.

BusinessFirst: I believe that idealism and hope for the future is what we need to counter all these racist and religious divisions. Go ahead, Syed Saddiq.

Change the future for the good of your generation and your children. Mine has certainly screwed things up.

BluePanther4725: Well said, Syed Saddiq. It’s time for you to get away from this poisonous old man and save our youngsters from being poisoned by his corrupt philosophy.

Politicians like Mahathir are unable to understand the concept of nation and country. His narrow mind can only insist on racism for its own survival.

I don’t think he doesn’t even care about Malays; This is all a hoax created to safeguard your wealth and the power of your cronies. Mahathir is responsible for dividing Malays and Malays alike.

Coward: Syed Saddiq did not adequately explain his reason for harboring that fanatic, Zakir Naik, who should have been deported and blacklisted long ago.

He gave his reason. However, it is very unconvincing. You want to draw a line under the whole thing and move on. I do not agree with that, but I can accept this opinion.

Most likely, the fanatic has not learned his lesson. He had to keep his mouth shut due to all the pressure that Malays of all races and religions piled on him, so much so that his political patron did not dare to defend him.

At that time, asking everyone to keep going is an olive branch big enough for that fan who didn’t deserve or deserve. So if Saddiq just left it at that, I would have been fine. Difference / diversity of opinion and all that.

However, for organizing dinner he was inappropriately polite. It also makes your previous call to deport the hollow preacher. This raised doubts about his principles and what he really believes.

That black stain on your character will take time, a long time to disappear. Unlike him, I am not willing to just “move on.”

The future direction of the country in the hands of a leader like him is not something that can simply forget what our leader did, even if it is ancient history. It will take time to repair the damage, but I am willing to give it time.

So yes, of course, let him do the good work. Give him time and space to prove it was a mistake.

As for dwelling on an old issue, that issue is history and you’ll have to deal with it over and over again in your political career. In fact, this will strengthen your credibility as a leader if you did indeed successfully demonstrate that you realized the mistake and made sure it didn’t happen again.

That counts against him.

EM: Yes, if taken purely at face value, this statement by Syed Saddiq is commendable, as commendable as his initial reprimand to that Mumbai preacher before taking him out to dinner.

So we just have to ‘wait and see’. This, after all, is ‘politik Melayu’ where “things are rarely what they seem: skim milk is disguised as cream.”

AB Sulaiman: It happens that I have written a book with the title ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ where I tried to analyze the norm of human thought. In it, I mentioned that today’s world operates on the platform of scientific thought.

I went on to say that Syed Saddiq is a great example of this standard. Based on this, I tend to agree with the sentiments of many even in this comment segment. Syed Saddiq has the right frame of mind to continue his calling.

Fair and impartial: Young man, you have my vote. If you don’t make it this round, don’t give up. I will continue to vote for you in each and every election.

I think he has the virtues of a true statesman, a Malaysia for all Malaysians. I’m sick of all the politicians who use race to divide and rule our country just to stay in power. Go ahead, Syed!

Ipoh PP: Now approaching 80, I look forward to seeing this young man achieve his dream of uniting all Malays and not just Malays.

Why join on racial grounds? This is what Mahathir will always be. An ultra and seeing only one race as poor. He will go to his grave only having this one-sided view.

This country is for everyone. Help the poor of all races. That is what must be done for the good of the country.

Clear water: A youth-focused party would not necessarily exclude the elderly, but it might make an exception in Mahathir’s case due to its toxicity.

Syed Saddiq has obviously outgrown his former patron and mentor, who is caught up in his beat playing the same old song.

YOURS | Dr M vs Syed Saddiq – zoomers are the future

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