Man released after court found Muhyiddin’s signed arrest warrant defective


KUALA LUMPUR: Sabahan, 34, who was detained under the preventive law, was released after a Shah Alam High Court ruled that his arrest warrant, signed by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, was flawed and void, as he did not use the prime minister’s real name.

Lawyer Kamil Munim, who is part of the team representing Awang Sari Lasikan, said the court was of the opinion that ministers in the performance of their official duties should use their names in their MyKad and in the federal government bulletin.

In the arrest warrant spotted by The Star, the Prime Minister had signed for Awang to be detained under Section 6 (1) of the Dangerous Drugs (Special Preventive Measures) Act 1985 for two years starting on 9 March 2020, in a rehabilitation. center in Simpang Renggam, Johor.

The deputy from Pagoh, who took over as Interior Minister shortly after the change of government from Pakatan Harapan to Perikatan Nasional, had signed the arrest warrant with the name “Muhyiddin” instead of the name on his MyKad and the federal government. gazette, Mahiaddin Md Yassin.

After hearing submissions from both parties on Friday (April 2), Judicial Commissioner Norsharidah Awang allowed Awang’s petition for habeas corpus and ordered that the petitioner be immediately released.

Kamil said that the court’s decision may affect other orders signed by the prime minister under the name “Muhyiddin.”

Awang filed the habeas corpus petition for his immediate release from detention by means of a notice of motion dated September 10, 2020.

He named the Vice Minister of the Interior and the lead executor of the Simpang Renggam Behavioral Rehabilitation Center as the first and second respondents, respectively.

Federal lawyer Muhamad Safuan Azhar, who appeared for the respondents, confirmed the matter when contacted.

Attorneys Danial Amir and Zafran Zafri Mohd Zaini appeared for the plaintiff in Friday’s proceedings.
