Man performs five Covid-19 tests to sell coffee with milk


NANNING: Your fervor to promote latte to people in the Middle Kingdom meant that you had to go through five Covid-19 nucleic acid tests and spent two months rushing to get approval to leave Malaysia for China.

But for 33-year-old Malaysian businessman Ken Chai, it was worth it.

He is here for the 17th China-Asean Exhibition (CAEXPO) to promote Malaysian latte products.

“This is the seventh year that I have participated in the exhibition.

“I don’t want to miss out because China is a huge market for Malaysian latte,” he said.

Chai said the expo helped his business grow over the years and that most of his distributors were connected through the annual event.

He noted that coffee consumption was increasing in China.

In view of the conditional movement control order that is enforced in Malaysia and the country’s economy is affected amid the pandemic, Chai said he would devote more resources to exploring the Chinese market.

He planned to start with the South China region.

Hainan Island would be his next target.

Another exhibitor, Mo Yan, said his company had just opened an office here so they could focus more on the Chinese market.

The 50-year-old Chinese national was the main distributor of a brand of soy sauce, produced by her Malaysian cousin in Taiping, Perak.

In addition, it also imported sandwiches from Malaysia, instant noodles, chili paste, and a variety of sauces.

“My cousin can’t come here this year, so I have to run the show myself,” she added.
