Man fined RM12,500 for false overtime claims


KUALA LUMPUR: A former health aide was fined RM12,500 by the Session Court here for fraudulently using documents to claim more than RM3,000 in overtime.

Mohd Johan Fazlan Sa’don, 42, pleaded guilty to Session Court Judge Rozina Ayob after the charges were read here on Monday (February 22).

He was charged with five counts of fraudulent use of documents to claim RM644.63, RM709.09, RM547.93, RM966.94 and RM483.47 at the salary unit office of the Ministry of Health in Putrajaya between 1 June and October 1. 2015.

The total amount claimed for the five consecutive months was RM 3,352.06.

The charge under Section 471 of the Penal Code carries a prison sentence of up to two years or a fine or both, on conviction.

Deputy Prosecutor Abd Muntaqim Abdul Aziz appeared before the prosecution while the accused was represented by lawyer Nur Fazrin Ahmad.

The court sentenced the defendant to a fine of 2,500 ringgit for each of the charges and ordered him to serve 15 months in jail if he did not pay the fine.

The defendant paid the fine.
