Man arrested for allegedly raping eight-year-old girl after tempting her with candy


KOTA KINABALU: A man was arrested on Thursday (November 26) for allegedly raping an eight-year-old girl after luring her to follow him after giving her some candy.

In the incident at 9:30 am on Wednesday (Nov 25), the girl was walking home after visiting her aunt, not far from her home near YLY Plaza in Inanam here.

Along the way, the 25-year-old suspect stopped her and gave her candy before asking her to follow him.

“The girl followed the man to a hut in the nearby jungle. There she started to feel scared and wanted to go home, but the man pulled out a knife and threatened her, ”said Habibi Majinji, assistant commander of Kota Kinabalu OCPD.

He said the girl could only cry and stand still while the suspect brandished the knife before raping her.

ACP Habibi said the suspect gave the girl RM5 to keep the incident a secret from her father and was allowed to go home.

The girl ran home crying and told her mother about the incident, who then filed a police report.

The victim was taken to the hospital for a medical examination and the doctors found injuries to his private parts.

ACP Habibi said an investigative document was opened and that the suspect, who was loitering on the roadside not far from the crime scene, was arrested Thursday.

“Initial investigations found that the shack where the rape occurred is also used as a drug den,” he said.

The suspect also tested positive for methamphemine and was in pretrial detention for seven days until December 3.
