Malaysia’s Covid-19 success story to be made into film


“What if you are a doctor treating a Covid-19 patient and you also have a child at home who is seriously ill? Who do you save?” Datuk Rosyam Nor (pic) poses the rhetorical question during a press event announcing the launch of Juang September 22.

Juang captures the tough decisions and sacrifices leaders – from doctors and nurses to food delivery people – must make to protect Malaysia from the threat of Covid-19.

“This is an important film that will serve as a reference for future generations when they ask, ‘What was life like during the pandemic?'” Rosyam, owner of Suhan Movies production company, says of the importance of the film.

It all started when the 53-year-old approached producers Matt Lai (Asia Tropical Films) and Jack Lim (The Film Engine) with the idea of ​​capturing Malaysia’s Covid-19 journey on the big screen.

“It’s scary to make a movie without the help of others in this climate. The era of making a movie has just passed,” reflects Rosyam.

Not only Juang will come to life with the help of three production houses, has six directors, 100 artists and 200 team members.

The directors are Aziz M. Osman (XX Ray), Kabir Bhatia (Return), Eirma Fatima (Last malay woman), Osman Ali (Waves of longing), Yusry Abdul Halim (Viking) and Lai (Fight Lah! Kopitiam).

So far only three of the 100 actors have been announced: Zizan Razak, Zul Ariffin and Lim.

Action star Zul didn’t hesitate when approached to star in the film, calling the project “responsibility” and his “contribution as an artist.”

Juang aims to release a movie in the first quarter of 2021. Rosyam adds that she is well aware of the risks involved in releasing a movie during the pandemic.

“We hope the situation improves by the time it is released and people go to theaters and support the film.”

When asked if the film will seek the endorsement of the Ministry of Health, Rosyam shares that they intend to pass the film accurately before its release.

“We hope to receive support not only from the Health Ministry, but also from all Malaysians.
