Malaysians residing in Thailand are advised to register at the embassy


BANGKOK: Malaysians residing in Thailand are advised to register with the Malaysian Embassy in Bangkok or the Consulate General in Songkhla.

Malaysian Ambassador to Thailand Datuk Jojie Samuel said the embassy is collecting data from Malaysians residing in the kingdom.

This is to make it easier for Thai authorities to collect data on foreigners who need the Covid-19 vaccine injected in the kingdom, he added.

He said Thailand plans to extend its free Covid-19 vaccination to foreigners residing in the kingdom, including expats, migrant workers and students.

“If the Thai government extends the vaccination campaign to foreigners, then we can provide the data to the relevant authorities,” he told Bernama.

He said they could do so by sending their personal details (name, gender, ID and passport number, location and contact number) to [email protected] or by visiting the Facebook of the Malaysian Embassy in Bangkok.

To date, Jojie said that some 1,200 Malaysians living in Thailand had registered with the embassy.

There are between 8,000 and 10,000 Malaysians residing in Bangkok, he added.

Meanwhile, Jojie said that a video contest, “Thai Tiew Malaysia”, which was recently organized by Tourism Malaysia, Bangkok, in collaboration with the Malaysian Embassy, ​​was an initiative to promote and maintain Malaysia as a top destination for travelers. tourists.

He said the contest was also an initiative to further support the Malaysia Truly Asia campaign.

“I am hopeful that this initiative will generate interest among travelers and generate new interest for others to travel to Malaysia once the borders reopen,” he added.

Jojie said Malaysia imposed stricter travel restrictions, including international travel bans, mandatory Covid-19 testing, and quarantine on arrival to minimize the spread of Covid-19.

“The trend change in tourist travel preferences after experiencing the pandemic has forced the tourism industry to make rapid changes and adapt to new regulations. The industry has no choice but to evolve with the pandemic and find ways to ensure safe travel for everyone, ”he said. -Named
