Malaysian cinemas will temporarily suspend operations from November


KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 30): The Malaysian Film Exhibitors Association (MAFE) has collectively decided to temporarily suspend its operations.

In a statement today, MAFE said that beginning in November 2020, cinemas will progressively suspend movie screenings and / or concession operations at their locations, while continuing to monitor the situation and react accordingly as conditions improve. From the market.

MAFE said the closure is a cohesive decision made by the industry in light of the recent implementation of the Conditional Motion Control Order in some states in Malaysia, which requires cinemas to remain closed.

He said this is also compounded by the lack of new short-term movie releases, which are essential in attracting viewers.

MAFE said the Malaysian film industry has been hit hard by the pandemic and suffered huge revenue losses due to a drop in admissions of up to 90% year-on-year, while also having to invest heavily in strict standard operating procedures to ensure strong compliance and security for customers.

MAFE explained that, while the decision was not easy, it was in response to an increasingly challenging landscape for cinemas and was necessary for the long-term preservation of Malaysian cinemas.

MAFE Vice President Cheah Chun Wai said that closing and reopening cinemas is extremely cumbersome, expensive and damaging not only for theaters, but also for owners and customers.

“To all the sponsors of Malaysian cinemas, we would like to extend our appreciation for the inexhaustible support and solidarity so far, and we look forward to welcoming you soon to once again share the magic of movies on the big screen,” said Cheah .

MAFE said that cinemas in Malaysia have asked for government help and rental support for the struggling industry as they struggle to survive and recover from this global crisis.

He said that the next few months will be critical for the continuity of the Malaysian film industry.

However, he said the industry remains optimistic that after Covid-19, cinema attendance will rebound as going to the movies will remain one of the main entertainment options for Malaysians.
