Malaysian Bar Association commends the Malaysian king and rulers for failing to proclaim a state of emergency


PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Bar Association praised the King’s decision not to proclaim a state of emergency, saying that a decision otherwise would have resulted in a constitutional crisis.

Its president Salim Bashir (Photo) said they echoed the views of the Malaysian king and rulers that laws and mechanisms already exist that have broad and comprehensive powers to handle the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We must always remember that in any given situation we must defend the pillars of democracy, which form the foundation of this nation. Therefore, the Malaysian Bar Association urges politicians and the public to adhere to the rule of law and the Constitution, and to respect the Royal Decree, ”he said.

Salim said in a statement on Monday (October 26) that peace and stability supersede any disputes between politicians from different factions.

He added that there was a need to focus on the health and well-being of the rakyat, especially the front-line.

“At this juncture, the reactivation of the economy must also be a priority in light of the loss of employment during the pandemic,” he said.

Salim added that the only way Malaysia can prosper as a nation is through resistance and unity.

“We must be integrated into our approach, no matter the problem. Only then will we be able to emerge stronger and more tenacious as a nation, ”he said.

On the other hand, the president of the Alliance for a Safe Community, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, praised the King’s decision and said that the preservation of the status quo will be meaningless if people, particularly politicians, do not respond positively.

“It was in their interest that this decision be made, and it is in their interest to do everything in their power and come together to address the challenges of Covid-19 and the livelihood of the people, as well as the nation’s economy,” He said. in a sentence.

He said that since Sultan Abdullah has advised all politicians to put aside their differences and come together to help the nation, it is time for these politicians to stop doing politics.

“This is not the time to score points. This is the time for solidarity and unity of purpose to ensure the stability of the nation. We have many problems to address, all at the same time. Therefore, we cannot dissipate our energies in pursuit of different agendas, political or otherwise, ”he said.
