Malaysiakini – COMMENT | Merdeka means liberation


COMMENTARY | This Merdeka day, all interested citizens at home and abroad may want to spend a moment of silence thinking about the sorry state of their nation and commit to changing the the status quo.

It is time to unload the nation from the yoke of corrupt politicians. Political warfare is clearly the classic story between good and evil.

Commit not to support or vote for a corrupt politician. Spread the word and save the country from scoundrel robbers posing as politicians.

There is no Merdeka when corruption ruins the country. Why eliminate foreign colonizers only to be replaced by locals? That is not Merdeka’s idea.

Is the game over for politicians lost in a free fall into a moral abyss and unable to correct their downward spiral?

Will the game soon be over for those who have their own rights and run a government of politicians, politicians and politicians?

Politicians not only demonize and unjustly victimize the opposition, but each other.

However, it is not unusual for a conspiratorial cartel out the back door to be characterized by muttering and back stabbing. It is in their nature.

The cliché has been abused, but it is worth reiterating that a leopard does not change its spots. Neither are corrupt politicians. They are the nightmare of a citizen, the curse of a nation and the reason a nation fails and people suffer.

Don’t expect this motley crew of corrupt politicians to change because black sheep cannot turn white. Leaders have lied to people and many have robbed them.

They keep making false promises, spilling false hope. Shared prosperity will still turn into shared poverty. Do you remember the “bastard” National Economic Plan? And who can forget the Future Fund and the scandalous 1MDB ?!

Malaysians have to be smart and realize that non-Malays are not a threat. When Malaysian politicians are trying to destroy each other, forget about the Chinese ghost or the DAP. They may want to insist that true religion is about loving your fellow man (all Malaysians regardless of race or religion) as yourself and not being carried away by lies.

They have no conscience, no shame, no morals, nor do they care about their poor country, but they have a lot of money stolen.

The world saw loot recovered from a police raid on the residence of a former leader. Even then, this convicted thief is allowed to roam free and act like he’s still the lord of the manor.

There is not only an urgent need for structural change in government, but also for a complete expulsion of the corrupt politicians who are the public enemy of the nation.

A new Malaysia will only happen when there are decent and dedicated politicians in power. One or two of the corrupt could have a positive change of mind if struck by lightning.

A Merdeka celebration is meaningless when the government in power is seen as corrupt, unjust and dictatorial. The late Tunku Abdul Rahman – “Father of Independence “ – was a strong critic of unjust, filthy and undemocratic governance. He died disappointed by what happened to his Merdeka dream.

That legacy of disillusionment like a polluted river still flows throughout the nation, corrupting everything in its path. The never ending mist is a stark reminder of a region under the curse of corruption. We reap what we did not sow when the corrupt had their way.

Musang King’s image of a huge durian tree being cut down symbolizes the downfall of people’s livelihoods when unilateral state action is deemed unjust. Today are durian trees, and tomorrow?

The idea that a government can simply take over what many have worked their blood, sweat and tears to build seems grossly unfair. This form of nationalization is simply wrong. And it is not surprising that farmers felt robbed and resorted to a “scorched earth” reaction. A fair solution is needed.

Talk is cheap. It is time for Malaysians to be outraged and act. A video on the WhatsApp loop of lawyer and activist Siti Kasim waking people up offers hope. But hope postponed makes the heart sick.

Malaysians did it once before in the 14th general election, and they can do it again. Between now and the next election they have to start organizing to put the right people into Parliament. Watch out for “the ides of March” and exclude the promise-breaker, the traitor, and the hypnotist.

The idea of ​​a political party for the youth is wrong in principle. A caring, competent and clean government will consider and enact sound policies for all. Youth will grow old. And do we need a political party specifically for women, the elderly and the disabled, etc.?

If each affinity group starts its own political party, the result is groups of groups with their own rights that primarily seek their interests.

Good government takes care of the needs of the young and everyone. What is most lacking in Malaysia is a clean, efficient and trustworthy government. To achieve this you have to leave out the failed leaders, the devil you know and the blatantly dishonest politicians.

Merdeka in 1957 saw the backs of colonizers known for their practice of “divide and conquer.” But the nation has seen similar shortcomings for 60 years under the deposed National Front. Their practice of dividing and looting by certain corrupt leaders has impoverished the nation not only in public money but also in morale.

To be fair, successive BN governments have served well in some quarters, but for corrupt politicians who have bastardized the government. There are good politicians, but they could not stop the bad ones.

In the durian land grab scandal, many Malaysian farmers also feel betrayed by their state government. They were promised a land that no one wanted because of the communist threat. But now they feel betrayed by the government’s broken promise.

Merdeka was a landmark event on August 31, 1957. It probably doesn’t mean that much to Sarawak and Sabah. But today it should be a shared struggle for all Malaysians to see the spirit of Merdeka in their nation’s government.

Governing is like being a father. You provide them, make sacrifices, and prepare your children for their future. But bad parents neglect their children. They indulge and abuse them.

Bad government abuses people, complains, and leaves the nation in trouble. Children cannot disown their bad parents, but citizens can throw out bad government.

Political conflict is nothing more than politicians making a scam to inflict more pain on each other and the people.

Merdeka is the time for all Malaysians to denounce the scam of corrupt politicians and support all decent politicians and future politicians who will rid the nation from the evil clutches of political conspirators, conspirators and criminals.

Malaysia is worth saving. Malays are great people. The Chinese are the most admirable nation builders. Indians are an integral part of the land. The Orang Asli own the land. The people of Sarawak and Sabahanos can teach us how to love our neighbor as ourselves. Foreigners are part of the Malaysian family.

What else do we need to build a great nation but good government? Justice exalts a nation.

Merdeka. Merdeka. Merdeka.

STEVE OH is the author and composer of the novel and musical ‘Tiger King of the Golden Jungle’. He believes that good governance and an engaged civil society are essential for Malaysia to be a unique and successful nation.

The opinions expressed here are those of the author / contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.
