Malaysia to implement early release of inmates amid Covid-19 outbreaks behind bars, SE Asia News & Top Stories


KUALA LUMPUR – When Malaysia’s Department of Prisons announced a plan to release selected inmates in an attempt to break the chain of Covid-19 infection behind bars, it gave Madam Tan Kam Chee hope of seeing her son soon.

The 78-year-old woman said her son, in his 40s, was convicted of theft late last year and is scheduled to be released next month.

But the pandemic has had her worried about her son’s health.

“I have not been able to sleep well. Every day, I was looking for updates on the Penang Prison Group. I hope he remains in good health and is released soon,” Madam Tan told the Straits Times.

The question of managing potential outbreaks within prisons remains a challenge for state governments, as many prisons suffer from overcrowding.

As the number of Covid-19 cases increases in Malaysia, hundreds of infections have been detected in the prisons of Sabah, Kedah and Penang.

One of the worst prison groups is in Alor Setar prison in Kedah, with at least 1,443 infections.

The cluster was detected on September 30, following the death of a 46-year-old man who worked there. Subsequent tests found that the virus had spread among the inmates.

A group in Sabah, which originated in a district police dungeon in Lahad Datu and spread to Tawau prison, has recorded at least 1,046 cases.

Another group at Penang Remand Prison has seen at least 377 cases and one death.

Closures have been imposed on these prisons, with no entry or exit allowed.

To stop more infections and reduce overcrowding, Director General of Prisons Zulkifli Omar announced on October 6 that the department will grant a licensed release (ROL), or a conditional release, to minor offenders sentenced to less than a year in prison. with less than three months to serve.

Opposition lawmaker Liew Chin Tong welcomed the move. “These measures are crucial because the problem of prison overcrowding already existed before the Covid-19 outbreak,” he said.

He added that locking up those who recently violated movement restrictions and anti-virus measures, such as wearing masks, would also make the overcrowding problem worse.

But the plan has raised public concern that crime would increase after the prisoners are released.

While desperate times can result in desperate measures to survive, predicting what will happen is “difficult,” criminologist Dr. Geshina Ayu Mat Saat told ST.

In addition to having to compete for a job with those who were laid off, prisoners would also need to adjust to the new norms of the outside world amid the pandemic.

“They are likely to return to a life of crime, but keep in mind that the group of potential victims will also be practicing new rules; minor offenders will have fewer opportunities and less access to physically confront potential victims,” ​​he said.

“What is likely to happen is the displacement of crime, where the crime scene changes or the type of crime changes due to environmental and social crime prevention strategies in place at previously known hot spots. This means an increase in fraud. online and victimization by commercial crimes, which is already happening even without the presence of former prisoners in our society, “he added.

Dr. Geshina believed that some forms of crime that take place behind closed doors would continue, such as domestic violence, online gambling, child abuse, and crimes related to pornography.

“Economic stress, dysfunctional relationships, hostile environments and adverse conditions can easily trigger violent acts, and not all abusers are ex-inmates,” he said.

According to the records of the Department of Prisons as of October 5, there are 11,018 inmates who are incarcerated for less than one year, with less than three months to serve.

To be released under ROL, they must meet strict selection criteria and pass the Covid-19 exam from the Ministry of Health.

The president of the Bar Association, Salim Bashir, explained that section 43 of the Prisons Law allows detainees to be released on leave subject to rules and regulations.

“Licensed release is governed by conditions imposed by prison authorities, and any breach will be a separate offense. The decision is welcome, as a good measure to prevent the spread of Covid 19 infections among inmates and minimize overcrowding in the prison. prison, “he said.

Epidemiologist Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud of the University of Malaya said that, from an epidemiological point of view, “it is a wise decision.”

“This will make physical distancing more feasible in prisons, although I suppose a substantial number of inmates would need to be released for this to be possible.”

Professor Datuk Dr. Awang said that prisoners should first be isolated from the rest of the prison population for 14 days and given two tests during this time. “If both of their tests come back negative, then it is safe to release them,” he said.

Dr. Geshina hoped that those released would be adequately prepared to deal with the new rules.

“Will they be given enough self-protective equipment? At least until they can support themselves? If they become infected due to their early release, then what?” she asked.
