Malaysia Palace Postpones Meetings with Allies of Anwar Ibrahim | Malaysia


The delay in the meetings follows the opposition leader’s claim that he has enough support to become prime minister.

Malaysia’s national palace postponed hearings with the king for allies of opposition leader and former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, senior opposition leaders said on Wednesday, amid a new power struggle in the Southeast Asian nation. .

Anwar met with King Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah on Tuesday, providing him with evidence to back up his claim to have enough support in parliament to form a new government and replace current Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who took office in March.

In a statement, the leaders of the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and Amanah said they had initially been summoned for separate hearings with the king. Both DAP and Amanah are in alliance with Anwar’s party.

“However, last night Her Majesty’s high-ranking private secretary informed us that both sessions with Her Majesty had been postponed,” the statement read, signed by DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng and Amanah President , Mohamad Sabu.

They did not say whether the palace had set new dates for a meeting.

Malaysia’s opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim had a meeting with the king on Monday [File: Lim Huey Teng/Reuters]

At a press conference on Monday, Anwar said he had presented documents to the king to show that he had the support of more than 120 MPs in the 222-seat parliament.

The palace later said in a statement that while Anwar had presented the number of lawmakers he said supported him, he had not disclosed the identities of his supporters.

The king plays a largely ceremonial role in Malaysia, but can appoint a prime minister who, in his opinion, probably has the majority. New governments are generally elected in Malaysia, but the king plays a role in certain cases.

Earlier this year, the king appointed Muhyiddin as prime minister after a takeover caused the collapse of the coalition that was elected in May 2018 and the resignation of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. After interviewing each member of parliament, the king said he believed Muhyiddin was the candidate with the confidence of the house.

Critics say Muhyiddin, who only has a two-seat majority, stole power because there were no elections.
