Malaysia must overcome challenges, continue to develop to benefit the people, says prime minister in National Day speech


PETALING JAYA: Malaysia must overcome challenges to become a developed nation whose success can be enjoyed by the rakyat, says Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

In his National Day address this year, the Prime Minister said that while Malaysia has witnessed many achievements, it must continue to develop so that all citizens can enjoy a high quality of life.

“The development of the country is not seen only in terms of economic growth figures, the stock index or the amount of foreign and national investment.

Instead, it’s about the source of income and quality of life for each of you.

“Economic growth figures are only significant when you have a constant source of income, a comfortable home, quality education, good health, environmental sustainability and security to lead a happy and peaceful life,” he said.

He acknowledged that not everyone in the country was lucky, some with two or three jobs, to put food on the table.

“Many also don’t have enough savings if they lose their livelihood. Some can hold out for a month or two, but beyond that, they have to take on debt and fight for their lives, ”he said.

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the country, he said, the government deployed various forms of assistance to the rakyat, including the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional, the bank loan moratorium and the wage subsidy.

As the country would lose RM2.4 billion for every day that business was suspended under the motion control order (MCO), the government decided to open the economy in stages, while launching the National Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana) .

“Alhamdulillah (Praise God), today the country’s economy is growing, with more than 15 million people now back to work.

“The unemployment rate has also experienced a fall from 5.3% in May to 4.9% in June.

“I understand that many economic sectors were severely affected by the pandemic and it will take time to fully recover. But I am sure that if the economic recovery trends continue, our economy will recover, “he said.

Muhyiddin said that the Covid-19 pandemic has taught the country a very important lesson: that of taking care of each other.

“To date, we have successfully handled this crisis because we are prihatin (in solidarity),” he said, recognizing the efforts of leaders, volunteers and ordinary Malaysians who adhered to the standard operating procedure (SOP).

He emphasized that the Perikatan Nasional is a government that cares about its people and will always put the welfare of the rakyat as its top priority.

“Perikatan Nasional is a government that cares about its rakyat. I promise to make this the main guiding principle of this government.

“In keeping with the National Day theme of ‘Malaysia Prihatin’, I urge you all to soak up the spirit of independence by being deeply prihatin (caring for) one another.

“Take care of our families, our friends, our neighbors, our workers and all the people around us.

“Take care of our nation as well. Protect their independence, safeguard their sovereignty, defend their peace. Insya-Allah (God willing), our beloved country will remain independent, free and sovereign forever, ”he said.

Muhyiddin’s speech, which aired on the eve of National Day, was delivered at the Merdeka Stadium on Sunday (August 30).

It was the historic site where 63 years ago Malaysia’s first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, proclaimed the country’s independence to crowds cheering him with seven shouts of “Merdeka.”
