Malaysia hopes the Biden administration will rekindle Palestinian hope, Dewan said


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia hopes that the incoming Biden administration will lead to positive developments in terms of policies and prospects for peace for the Palestinians, Dewan Rakyat was told.

Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar said Wisma Putra will continue to monitor political developments in the United States, including what it would mean for the Palestinian issue.

“We are very hopeful that the change of administration in the United States … will give some hope for a slight change in the situation between Palestine and Israel.”

“However, whatever happens, we must continue our efforts to see the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state, including under a new administration in the United States,” he said in response to a follow-up question from Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan (BN -Pontian) during Question Time at the Dewan Rakyat on Monday (November 9).

Ahmad had asked the Foreign Ministry if it expected better prospects for peace in the Middle East and Palestine under President-elect Joe Biden.

To the initial question, Kamarudin said that regardless of political developments taking place in the United States, including any changes in administration, Malaysia will continue to support the establishment of an independent Palestine through a two-state solution, based on the previous borders. to 1967, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

“Malaysia understands the grievances of the Palestinians … We will continue to support all concrete and realistic efforts to find a solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict based on international law and United Nations resolutions, through discussions with the parties involved. “. he said.

The deputy minister also said Malaysia has taken note of the fact that several countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan, have normalized relations with Israel under the US-brokered agreement.

“Given Malaysia’s strategic interest in the Middle East and bilateral relations with those countries, the Malaysian government will continue to approach the issue with care.

“Any decision to establish diplomatic relations between countries is their right as sovereign nations.

In this matter, the Malaysian government practices a policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations.

“Based on this principle, it will not affect the current relations between Malaysia and those countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel,” he added.

Kamarudin also noted that the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) had issued a strong statement underlining that there would be no normalization of ties with Israel until the latter ends its occupation of Arab and Palestinian lands.

OCI Secretary General Youself Al-Othaimeen had said that the Palestinian cause is a central issue for the group.

The US-brokered deal was unilaterally formulated by the outgoing US administration, and was described by President Donald Trump as the “deal of the century.” He has been criticized for describing Jerusalem as “the undivided capital of Israel” and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over much of the West Bank.
