Malaysia closes cinemas for a month next week


Malaysian cinema operators have decided to shut down cinemas across the country for a month starting next week as they face weak demand, strict COVID-19 measures and revenue losses.

A statement by the Malaysian Association of Film Exhibitors, or MAFE, released today, said the group has “collectively” decided to shut down its operations temporarily amid the second rounds of emergency shutdown in certain parts of Malaysia that prevent the operation of cinemas. The group also noted that there have not been enough new movie premieres to attract viewers, and what made the situation worse was that theater operators had to spend more money to comply with COVID-19 measures.

“While this decision was not easy, it is in response to an increasingly challenging landscape for cinemas, and as an industry we believe it is a necessary step towards the long-term preservation of Malaysian cinemas, so we can continue to our role in contributing to the long-term social, economic and cultural fabric of our nation, ”the statement said.

According to the association, the 169 cinemas will gradually stop operating in November as it continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation in the country and can “react accordingly as market conditions improve.”

MAFE said there has been a 90% annual drop in theater tickets in the industry this year alone and revenue losses of nearly RM500 million (about US $ 120 million). COVID-19 measures that cinemas must also adhere to include social distancing and a ban on children and the elderly from entering movie theaters. So far, no cases of COVID-19 have been reported in theaters, so it seems the industry wants it to stay that way.

MAFE Vice President Cheah Chun Wai thanked movie fans for their understanding of his latest decision.

“To all the sponsors of Malaysian cinemas, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks and gratitude for the unfailing support and solidarity thus far, and we look forward to welcoming you back soon to once again share the magic of movies on the big screen. . ” he said.

The second lockdown in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Putrajaya will expire on November 9 for now.

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