Malaysia Cites Covid-19 for Gathering Hundreds of Migrants | World News


Malaysian authorities have rounded up and detained hundreds of undocumented immigrants, including Rohingya refugees, as part of efforts to contain the coronavirus, authorities said.

Authorities said 586 undocumented immigrants were arrested in a raid in the capital Kuala Lumpur on Friday. armed the police walked people around the city in a single file to a detention building, according to activists. The UN said the measure could bring vulnerable groups into hiding and prevent them from seeking treatment.

Those arrested include young children and ethnic Rohingya refugees from Myanmar. Posts on social media, including some by Malaysian politicians, recently blamed Rohingya for committing crimes and accused them of dominating areas of the capital.

Xenophobic campaigns have included activists who circulated their names and photos along with incendiary allegations, and have injected more fear into a community that struggles for food and shelter through the pandemic blockade.

Police said the operation aimed to prevent undocumented immigrants from traveling to other areas amid movement restrictions imposed to contain the spread of the virus outbreak, state news agency Bernama reported.

The UN urged Malaysia to avoid arresting migrants and releasing all children, warning that overcrowded detention centers carry a high risk of increasing the spread of the virus.

“Fear of arrest and detention can lead these vulnerable population groups to hide further and prevent them from seeking treatment, with negative consequences for their own health and creating additional risks for the spread of Covid-19 to others,” said the UN in a statement. statement.

A statement by Interior Minister Hamzah Zainuddin reiterated that the Rohingya were considered “illegal immigrants” in Malaysia, which does not recognize refugees, and “have no status, right or basis to file any claims with the government.”

Rohingya activists have denied the allegations that they demanded Malaysian citizenship, which has spread as part of a wave of abuse targeting the community since Malaysia was criticized for refusing to allow refugee ships to disembark, citing Covid- 19 as a reason.

Malaysian activist Tengku Emma Zuriana Tengku Azmi, ambassador for the Rohingya European Council, said she had been surprised by Malaysia’s attitudes towards the Rohingya.

“In Malaysia at the moment everyone is scared, anxious and concerned about their situation because they cannot work, they do not earn enough and part of the aid has not reached the poor,” he said.

“They hear that Rohingya ships are coming and perhaps they fear that these people will steal their resources.”

Phil Robertson, deputy director for Asia at Human Rights Watch, said of the arrests: “This is perhaps the dumbest and most foolish thing about Prime Minister Muhyiddin. [Yassin] And their home affairs ministry could have, but they seem committed to promoting a policy of fear and xenophobia that transfers anger from the Malaysian public to foreigners who cannot defend themselves. “

Nay San Lwin, co-founder of the Free Rohingya Coalition group, said the Interior Ministry statement “made us look like we were less than human.”

“I never expected Malaysia to treat us like [it is] now but unfortunately it is happening, “he said.” I only have one message for the Malays: to restore their humanity. “

John Quinley of Fortify Rights said: “During the Covid-19 pandemic there has been a growing campaign against the Rohingya in Malaysia. Both citizens and politicians have been pushing a narrative that unlikely links the spread of the virus to Rohingya communities.

“Now the authorities in Malaysia are carrying out immigration raids in the capital, instilling fear in the refugee and migrant communities. What they should do is build trust and provide health services during this time. “
