Malaysia Airlines Parent Company Offers Retraining of Pilots, Cabin Crew for Sales and IT Work | Malaysia


Airport staff work alongside a Malaysia Airlines plane at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on July 22, 2019. - Reuters pic
Airport staff work alongside a Malaysia Airlines plane at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on July 22, 2019. – Reuters pic

KUALA LUMPUR, October 8 – Malaysia Aviation Group has offered its pilots, cabin crew and front-line employees affected by the Covid-19 pandemic a rehabilitation and refinement plan called MH EDGILE.

According to Malaysia Airlines Bhd’s parent company, the program is open to the group’s 2,000 employees and will train them to work in other areas, such as facilities management and auditing, or general, capable areas such as IT sales and technical support.

In a statement, MAG said that the initiative was voluntary and that applicants are subject to the selection criteria of the receiving department.

“With the pandemic still showing few signs of improvement, forcing some airlines to halt operations and almost land in the fleet, it is important for us to equip our workforce with new skill sets to be more efficient in their functions. current or switch to emerging positions as well. as to support business objectives.

“This is the perfect time for the staff to reinvent themselves,” said Malaysia MAG Group Managing Director Captain Izham Ismail.

Employees who have applied for the plan will be temporarily assigned to other departments that need help.

The aviation industry has been greatly affected by the closure of borders in countries around the world. Many in the aviation industry were forced to take unpaid leave or were laid off as a result of the pandemic.

Malaysia Airlines has also embarked on a debt restructuring plan, in which it has asked creditors and suppliers for help after citing the inability to meet its long-term business revival plan due to Covid-19.

In July, the Ministry of Transport said that the aviation industry would need 18 months to recover domestically and three years internationally.

MAG said it has carried out several initiatives to digitize operations and equip employees with the knowledge to handle the digital age, presented an e-learning series called Re: Imagine Work Series, Lean and Agile training, MAG Learning Hub and introduced the Employee Assistance Program in March. 2020 among other things.
