MAH disappointed by lack of aid to tourism sector


PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Hotel Association (MAH) is disappointed with the 2021 Budget and says little mention was made of aid to sustain the tourism sector, which is severely affected

“The tourism and hospitality industry is deeply concerned about the lack of immediate assistance to stakeholders under a heavy cash flow burden due to both international and domestic travel restrictions,” MAH said in a statement.

According to a recent survey, the increase in Covid-19 cases resulted in a 35% drop in customers in the first week of October, followed by 30% the second week, and finally up to 20% in the last week October.

“The government must recognize these indicators and that the industry needs more help. So far, of the initiatives announced under the 2021 Budget, little has been mentioned about sustaining tourism businesses, other than extending the wage subsidy to the same amount of RM600 per employee per month.

“The industry had long expressed that the amount is insufficient when the industry had lost almost 80% of the business,” MAH said.

The association wants the government to consider a higher amount based on the percentage, 50% for employees with salaries of up to RM4,000 per month and 30% for employees who earn RM4,001 to RM8,000.

This model, according to them, is adopted in many countries to support the industry and protect people’s jobs.

But the TAC thanked the government for providing direct assistance to the displaced airline employees.-Called
