MACC will focus on fighting corruption


The Friends of the President’s (FoTC) Transparency and Anti-Corruption Expert Working Group (ACTWG) meeting has proposed that the app, as well as effective prevention aspects, should be implemented to address the trend of corrupt behavior during the Covid transition -19 and periods after recovery.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner Azam Baki (photo up) said yesterday in a statement that activities such as smuggling, trafficking and illegal entry could occur after the reopening of the borders.

Azam said that the recovery phase of the Covid-19 crisis would allow the growth of business activities and this situation could open the door to corruption.

“As such, the ACTWG must ensure that effective enforcement and prevention aspects are put in place to address such corruption trends,” he said while chairing the virtual meeting of the FoTC ACTWG with nine economic members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) at headquarters. from MACC on Tuesday. , November 17.

He said the discussion was also a thank you to Malaysia for hosting APEC this year, with the MACC leading the ACTWG meeting since the first series was held in February.

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