Low caste Indian woman dies after gang rape, second in week


NEW DELHI (AFP): A woman from India’s marginalized Dalit community died after being gang-raped, police said on Thursday (October 1), days after the death of a teenage girl from the same low-caste group a The hands of a group of the high caste men provoked outrage.

The 22-year-old, a member of India’s “untouchable” Dalit community, was allegedly raped by two men on Tuesday and died while being taken to hospital, police in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh said.

The latest assaults come months after four men were hanged for the 2012 gang rape and murder of a student on a bus in Delhi, a case that came to symbolize the nation’s troubles with sexual violence.

Police said two men in the latest case had been arrested on charges of gang rape and murder, without elaborating on their identities.

An investigation was underway and the suspects could be tried in a special fast-track court, they added.

“A rickshaw-wallah (driver) brought her home. (She) was thrown in front of our house. My son could barely stand or speak,” his mother was quoted as saying by the NDTV news channel.

The incident took place in the Balrampur district of Uttar Pradesh state, some 500 kilometers (300 miles) from where the other Dalit girl was allegedly gang-raped in mid-September by four upper caste men.

The 19-year-old, who was paralyzed by her injuries, was rushed to a hospital in New Delhi 200 kilometers away, but died on Tuesday.

His death sparked protests in Delhi and cities in Uttar Pradesh.

India’s 200 million dalits have long faced discrimination and abuse, and activists say attacks have increased during the coronavirus pandemic.

An average of 87 rape cases were reported every day last year, according to the latest data released Tuesday by the National Office for Criminal Records, but a large number are believed to go unreported.

The office reported an increase of more than seven percent in the number of crimes against women in 2019 compared to the previous year.
