Loke criticizes MCA leader for ferry comments, telling him to focus on Port Klang


Loke Siew Fook says he had announced plans to improve ferry services, not replace existing ships.

PETALING JAYA: Former Transport Minister Loke Siew Fook has advised MCA Secretary General Chong Sin Woon to focus on addressing the cargo issues at Port Klang rather than interfering with the Penang ferry issue.

He said this was because the Penang ferry problem had nothing to do with Chong.

“After disappearing for almost two years after being rejected by voters in Seremban in the last general election (GE14), Chong was appointed Chairman of the Port Klang Board by his boss (Wee Ka Siong), who entered the Ministry of Transportation out the back door, ”he said today in a Facebook post.

He was referring to Chong’s statement yesterday saying that Loke had announced plans under the previous administration of Pakatan Harapan (PH) to implement water taxis or “catamaran boats” to replace part of Penang’s ferry service this year.

Loke turned Chong around and asked him to first resolve the backlog issues that had been reported in Westport.

“If you don’t understand what I announced in 2019, read it carefully,” he said, citing Astro Awani’s report on his announcement to improve ferry service during his tenure as Transport Minister.

On August 23 last year, Loke had said that the project to improve Penang’s ferry service would be carried out this year under Syarikat Prasarana Malaysia. This included the introduction of catamaran-type boats, as well as a ferry to transport tourists.

DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng and Wee had been issuing statements about the ferry service, and the former Penang chief minister was upset that “iconic ferries” were being phased out to be replaced by more efficient ferries.

He said it was a “cold and insensitive” approach by the federal government that ignored the sentiments of locals and eliminated the “romance” of cross-channel travel.

“Many countries still retain their original ferry services, although it may not be economical due to its intrinsic value and intangible value for heritage and history,” Lim said.

He also said that the cancellation of the service provided by the old Penang ferries was an example of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government’s “open confrontation” with the DAP-led Penang government, with Wee acting as its “hatchet man” .

Lim said that MCA and Wee, who is president of MCA, would not be forgiven by the people of Penang for doing so.

Wee had cleared up the initial confusion over whether the old shuttles would be repaired and retained by announcing that they would be retired for good.

He said they would give way to water buses (to transport passengers) and motorcycle transporters and emergency vehicles “safer, faster and cheaper to maintain.” They are expected to arrive in mid-2022.

Cars and trucks will have to use the two existing bridges that connect the mainland and the island.
