Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp salutes Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford on inspiring campaign


“ I don’t know him, but even I am proud of him! ”: Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp ignores rivalry with Manchester United to praise ‘amazing’ Marcus Rashford for his campaign to provide children with free school meals

  • Jurgen Klopp praised Marcus Rashford when asked about the forward
  • The Liverpool manager said it was ‘absolutely incredible’ what the Manchester United man did
  • Rashford has been fighting child food poverty in recent months
  • The 22-year-old received numerous offers from companies to help with the campaign.

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has lavishly praised Marcus Rashford for showing the kind of leadership the government is not providing with its free school meals campaign.

Klopp joked that it was ‘difficult’ to speak highly of the 22-year-old England forward because he plays for arch rival Manchester United, but described his work as ‘absolutely incredible’.

Rashford has been running a high-profile campaign to ensure the nation’s poorest children don’t go hungry outside of school term, and she received an MBE earlier this month for her work.

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp praised the inspiring work of Man Utd's Marcus Rashford

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp praised the inspiring work of Man Utd’s Marcus Rashford

The United striker has been fighting for an extension of free school meals for children in the UK

The United striker has been fighting for an extension of free school meals for children in the UK

Rashford re-tweeted the companies offering his help on his social media on Friday.

Rashford re-tweeted the companies offering his help on his social media on Friday.

Offers have been pouring in from places like Wigan and Brighton to help the campaign.

Offers have been pouring in from places like Wigan and Brighton to help the campaign.

“I’m not sure I can come up with better words than much smarter people have said, but what Marcus has started there is absolutely amazing, it’s so nice,” Klopp said.

And with all the rivalry between the clubs, right now we are as footballers and as human beings always united.

“ It’s nice to show at a time when obviously a lot of people who are really in charge of something and show no signs of proper leadership, that a child raised in difficult circumstances and blessed with sensational talent obviously never forgot his roots. and where it comes from, it has to do it. ‘

The campaign has been fully defended by Manchester United striker Rashford

Earlier this week, the government voted against a Labor motion to extend the plan, leaving Rashford to pledge to continue the fight backed by many celebrities and politicians.

It’s kind of embarrassing that I have to, but it’s also wonderful. I hope his mother is really proud of him. I don’t know him, but even I am proud of him, ” Klopp added.

And he plays for United, which makes it really tough! I heard about Liverpool and Manchester United (rivalry) years and years ago.

Rashford and his mother visited a food charity after MPs rejected their plan to provide free school meals

Rashford and his mother visited a food charity after MPs rejected their plan to provide free school meals

The Manchester United striker tweeted his thanks to his 3.6 million Twitter followers on Friday.

The Manchester United striker tweeted his thanks to his 3.6 million Twitter followers on Friday.

But yeah, that just goes to show that football can be really wonderful at times and it shows that the subject is really very serious and that’s why everyone puts rivalry aside and thinks about the most important things in life.

So I am very happy that Liverpool can show this solidarity right now.

“Now he’s a role model for that and he’s really cool and it won’t distract him from his football stuff.”

Chelsea manager Frank Lampard added: “He is a fantastic player, a fantastic talent. It’s great to see young players with personality and a voice talking about the things that matter to them with passion, ” Lampard said.

I absolutely congratulate him on that. Now there is a group of players in the Premier League who are that age. [who are speaking up].

“It doesn’t matter who you play for, when people talk like him I think it’s fantastic and he deserves his credit.

This week the soccer player criticized the deputies for rejecting plans to extend free school meals during the Easter holidays, claiming that the children 'will go to bed hungry and worthless'

This week the soccer player criticized the deputies for rejecting plans to extend free school meals during the Easter holidays, claiming that the children ‘will go to bed hungry and worthless’
