Listen: Queen sings ‘You Are The Champions’ for Covid-19 healthcare workers


British band Queen released a new version of their rock classic on Friday We are the Champions raise money for healthcare workers addressing the coronavirus outbreak.

The single changes the chorus at the end to You are the champions and is accompanied by video of healthcare personnel and COVID-19 blockades worldwide.

Queen guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor, whose daughter is a doctor and appears in the video, recorded it in their separate homes in London, where they have been participating in virtual jams.

Singer Adam Lambert, who rose to fame on the American talent show American Idol and has been on tour with the band, recorded the voice in Los Angeles.

Proceeds will go to the Solidarity Response Fund COVID-19 of the World Health Organization.

“Like our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents who fought for us in two world wars, those brave front-line warriors are our new champions,” May said in a statement.

“That means the doctors, nurses, cleaners, janitors, drivers, tea ladies and gentlemen, and everyone who silently risks their lives every day to save the lives of our relatives. CHAMPIONS ALL!”

Taylor said her daughter Rory’s experience working in the National Health Service (NHS) made him “very aware of the vital work they are doing daily to save us and our society.”

“Their bravery and sacrifice must not be harmed by anything less than a 100 percent effort by our governments to protect them,” he said in a statement.

“They are precious to all of us and really are our champions.”

The song We are the Champions It was released in 1977 and has become a world anthem. It was written by Queen’s leader Freddie Mercury, who died in 1991.

He said of the song: “I wanted to write something so everyone could sing. And at the same time, I thought it would be nice to have a winning song that is for everyone.” – AFP
