List of places affected by Covid-19 (October 9)


Below are the verified locations reportedly affected today.

However, the list does not include locations that have been temporarily closed pending the results of the swab tests of the individuals under investigation.

These places have also been properly disinfected.

Malaysiakini will continue to add to the list as more locations are announced.

If you are aware of any of the locations that were announced today but are not listed here, please email [email protected].

For a list of locations affected in the last 30 days, visit the Kini News Lab’s Covid-19 tracker.

Shopping centers and public access facilities

– Eternal Rabbit Park, Kuching

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health revealed that a new cluster It has been detected in Kuching, Sarawak, which has so far involved four Covid-19 positive individuals. The group was named Bah Arnab, and its index case dates back to a person who tested positive upon returning from Sabah on October 7.

Malaysiakini has contacted the management of a rabbit museum in Kampung Malaysia Jaya and confirmed that the group is related to the park.

However, according to the spokesperson, the park has not been open to the public since March, when the government first imposed the movement control order (MCO).

[More to follow]

See yesterday’s list here.

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