Link to PKR is unconstitutional, says Zuraida


Zuraida says it was difficult to leave PKR, a party he had joined when it was formed in 1999.

KUALA LUMPUR: The agreement that PKR forced all its elected representatives to sign before the last general elections, uniting them to the party, is unconstitutional, said former PKR vice president Zuraida Kamaruddin.

In his response to PKR’s RM 10 million “desertion” lawsuit, he said that PKR cannot enforce the terms of the agreement as it violates the right to freedom of association under article 10 of the Federal Constitution.

Zuraida admitted to signing the bail agreement before May 9, 2018, but said it was not a mandatory requirement under electoral laws.

“This was something that was imposed on candidates like me, unilaterally.

“The terms of the bond are unfair, skewed and place restrictions on fundamental freedoms,” he said.

PKR, through its Secretary General Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, has filed a lawsuit against Zuraida for allegedly violating the agreement.

The party said it was invoking Section 71 of the Contract Law to establish its rights to recover compensation for the benefits Zuraida enjoys as a deputy from Ampang and as minister of housing and local government.

Zuraida was one of 11 PKR MPs who left Pakatan Harapan in February and were subsequently fired by the party.

She also said that PKR was not entitled to any compensation from her under the Contract Law, adding that PKR had never asked her to pay any waivers of benefits she received since she was elected Ampang MP in 2008.

“When I left PKR, they brought this civil action maliciously and made it appear that I had violated the laws.

“It is clear to me that this action was intended to bring me disgrace and seek funds for PKR,” he said.

Zuraida said it was not an easy decision to make when he left PKR, a party he joined in 1999 when it was formed.

“I was disappointed when I witnessed the struggle for power within PKR.

“During the PKR elections, DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim) sided with Rafizi Ramli’s side that was opposed to Azmin Ali’s team,” he added.

He claimed that Anwar created rifts within PKR by appointing state leaders without taking into account the vote count of its members.

“I resigned because DSAI is not the right person to lead PKR and be the prime minister.

“Allegations of sexual misconduct have been made against DSAI since he returned to run PKR,” he said.

Zuraida added that he will call the accusers against Anwar, namely Mohammed Yusoff Rawther and one Aidil Azim Abu Adam, to testify on his behalf when the lawsuit goes to trial.

“I will present evidence during the trial, evidence that has never been made public,” he declared.
