LETTER | Revisit budget 2021


LETTER | The Penang Hindu Association (PHA), along with six other NGOs, are protesting against the allocation for Indians in this current budget for the year 2021.

The percentage of Indians affected by poverty today is already one of the lowest, and with the implementation of this budget, it will definitely create more suffering and misery for the oppressed Indians, even though they are paying income tax annually, which is an income for the people. government.

However, the 2021 Budget has been very clearly differentiated and is skewed in one direction only at the expense of other groups, particularly for Indians whose share is just 0.72 percent.

This can be considered as a “punishment budget”, which creates a miserable and painful economic condition for the Indians. It will be a miracle for the Indians to survive economically on this budget and even if they do, it will be at the mercy of public charity and will probably create more beggars.

The Indians, as well as the Chinese, are the affected parties, therefore, they are expressing and protesting their problems to the federal government and seeking their leniency to revise this proposed 2021 Budget to be similar at least to the previous budget, that is, the 2020 budget.

The allocation for education has been left out for Indians and therefore five years later the percentage of Indians seeking terrestrial studies will be minimal and depressing and further aggravate the number of Indians eligible for employment. Currently, the large number of these students are funded by organizations (NGOs) other than the government, although it is the government that should take the lead.

The allocation for sectors related to India, particularly in education (which is the foundation of any nation) has always been insufficient, let alone for tertiary education students to obtain scholarships or financial assistance to continue their university, college or university studies. high school. The disparity is obvious and the current Budget for 2021 expanded it even further to scarcity.

The B40 group and the poverty-stricken Indians who are already currently suffering will be most affected and negatively affected, leading to looting, robbery, robbery, rape, etc. just to survive. It is the government’s duty to restore and correct this unjust and unjust situation, instead of contributing to disparity and exacerbating differences.

There are indigenous people who currently face difficulties in obtaining medical treatment or hospitalization, which will be aggravated with the implementation of the 2021 Budget. The costs of medicines will be out of reach for these indigenous people, especially with the vast and extensive reductions in the budget allocation for health . .

We, the undersigned NGOs, therefore, call on the government and members of Parliament not to accept the 2021 Budget as proposed, but to review and modify it for an equitable allocation of funds for all races having account for minority groups of Indians and Chinese.

We, the Penang Hindu Association together with the other Indian associations appeal on behalf of the Indians to the federal government to re-study, review and correct this unjust situation that widens the disparity and worsens the differences.

We also urge the federal government to base allocations on a needs-based policy rather than a race-based policy, as this will be more objective.

The above is signed by the presidents of:

1. Penang Hindu Association

2. Malaysia Hindu Sangam (MHS), Penang State Council

3. Malaysia Hindudharma Mamandram, Penang Branch

4. Penang State Hindu Youth Council

5. Indian Cultural and Social Welfare Organization of Penang

6. Penang State Civic Association

7. Karangal Otrumaiyin Welfare Association Penang

The opinions expressed here are those of the author / contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.
