League of Legends: DYN Rich joining LCK: “As I am originally from Gen.G, I want to face them and have fun.”


Source: LCK official broadcast

On Day 29 (KST), Team Dynamics defeated Seorabeol Gaming 2-0 in the LCK 2020 Summer Tournament Winners match. This match was a battle between the two Challengers Korea teams, as both teams managed to defeat their respective teams. LCK main players in Round 1 of the tournament. As this tournament was the last before the in-league franchise changed the league landscape, Team Dynamics became the newest team to join the LCK for the summer of 2020.

The team was interviewed on broadcast to share their feelings about how it felt to join LCK.

Congratulations on moving up to LCK! How you feel?

sBs: I am very excited to have come to the LCK, and not only are there many behind the scenes stories with these players, this is the third time the team has been playing in the promotion tournament so we have given it our all. to get here.

You were returning to the scene after you finished your mandatory military service. Is there a particular moment you can think of right now?

sBs: During the season, there was a time when we lost direction in what we were doing. However, we did not give up, and we did so far.

SRB is a team you never managed to defeat in the Challengers Korea regular season. Did you ask the players for something specific in preparation for this match?

sBs: We never thought we were worse than SRB. There were many games where we lost due to our own mistakes. We stuck to our game plan, and since we thought KaKAO was the key player on that team, we focused on helping the jungler, and the plan worked.

What was the focus of your project against SRB?

sBs: We thought they would pick some unorthodox champions, but they didn’t. We showed Aatrox early, and the fact that SRB hastily chose its top champion took the pressure off us.

As a coach, what would be your score of 10?

sBs: I’m still missing stuff, so I’d give myself a 7. I’ll make sure I work harder.

Rich, up until this point, you were only widely known for your tenure in Heroes of the Storm. How does it feel to be promoted to LCK?

Rich: It really feels good to win, and I prepared many champions for this match, but it feels bad that I was only able to play against Aatrox tonight.

You earned a lot of community nicknames. What is your favorite?

Rich: Since my HotS days, I’ve heard the nickname “The King of HotS” a lot, so that’s my favorite.

You found a lot of success after changing the roles from Mid to Top. What is the secret behind this?

Rich: The fact that I couldn’t play well with the Mage Champions was the reason I switched to Top Lane, and Team Dynamics gave me a great deal, so things worked out in the end.

Which team do you want to face more in the LCK?

Rich: As I am originally from Gen.G, I want to face them and have fun.

Furthermore, it has been 2 years since the last time he was in the LCK. How does it feel to return?

Beyond: I don’t know how to express myself verbally, but I do know that I am extremely happy.

Are you satisfied with your own performance?

Beyond: I made a couple of mistakes here and there, so while I am not completely satisfied with my performance, I am somewhat satisfied because we won.

You went through so much during your time with MVP. How does it feel to return after so long?

Beyond: After MVP was relegated, I had a hard time dealing with that, but I worked hard to get back to the LCK. It really feels like all my efforts are worth it.

Who is the first person that comes to mind right now?

Beyond: I had a difficult emotional time in November, but there was a friend who helped me a lot back then.

Kuzan, as the “Best Mid Laner in Challengers Korea”, how does it feel to bring the team to the LCK?

Kuzan: Last spring, I was in exactly the same place playing to promote, but things didn’t work out. I’m glad things have worked with Team Dynamics this time.

In Game 1 voice communications, they teased you jokingly for being careful. Did such feedback help your game in Game 2?

Kuzan: I definitely kept an eye out for the enemy Jungler in Game 2.

What kind of performance do you want to put into the LCK?

Kuzan: We couldn’t skimp much against the LCK teams, so my goal is to climb high in the leaderboard.

Feiz, are you disappointed that you couldn’t show everything you have tonight?

Feiz: I think I showed what I received yesterday, so I didn’t really feel pressured.

You have finally reached the LCK. How you feel?

Feiz: I feel so happy now that my head feels a little blank. I will make sure to show better performance in the LCK.

Can you tell us a bit about your synergy with GuGer, who is a veteran on the scene?

Feiz: GuGer has a great personality and does a lot for me in and out of the game, so he has helped me a lot in my growth.

Can you say a few words to the LCK fans watching at home?

Feiz: I will make sure I perform well, so please send us a lot of help.

Captain GuGer, after the game ended, was crying. How does it feel to arrive at the LCK?

GuGer: I have played in promotional tournaments many times, and playing in it is not easy. Although everyone else’s season might be over, I have to keep going, and while it’s good if I win, I’ll be back to square one if I lose. I am very happy that they promoted us because we knew that we played well.

This is the sixth time you have played in the promotion tournament. Was the energy different this time compared to your last attempts?

GuGer: As an expert in promotional tournaments, I had the feeling that this time he turned me around. If he was mentally strong and had faith in the prospects for things in the game, I think he was going to perform well. I told the team that as a promotion tournament expert I have a good feeling about this time. I told the team that we will make it no matter what, and gave them motivation.

In your perspective, who is the player of the game (PoG) tonight?

GuGer: According to the style of our gameplay, the Jungler has to be the one that has to be proactive throughout the map. Our Laners are greedy, and they always call the Jungler on ganks / counterganks, so he’s always busy. I would say that the PoG goes to our Jungler.

You will face Secret, who was not only your old teammate, but also has this rivalry relationship with you. How does it feel to be playing against him in the near future?

GuGer: We were close friends, but since he was promoted to LCK, we stopped contacting each other (laughs). Still, we are good friends, but as competitors, I will definitely win.

Do you want to send a message to Secret?

GuGer: Now that we’re playing in the same league (laughs), I hope to have fun in the Rift against each other.

Lastly, as a captain, can you send a message to the fans?

GuGer: Although we looked shaky during the regular season, I want to thank all the fans who supported us through thick and thin. Thank you.

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