Kota Kinabalu, Penampang, Putatan under CMCO since midnight Wednesday


Chief Security Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob says the CMCO is being implemented due to the Covid-19 situation in Sabah.

PETALING JAYA: Kota Kinabalu, Penampang and Putatan in Sabah will be placed under a conditional movement control order (CMCO) starting at midnight on Wednesday.

Chief Security Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this is due to the Covid-19 situation there.

He said the proposal was made by the Sabah government.

This means that no one will be allowed to enter or leave the three districts, except those in essential services, including factories.

Entry to Sabah will not be allowed, except for Malaysian citizens of Sabah, holders of immigration passes issued by the Sabah Immigration Department who are currently outside of Sabah and couples who are part of essential services.

Those who are not included in these categories must apply for a special permit from the Sabah government.

The complete list of the types of services authorized to operate will be published by the Ministry of Industry and International Trade.

“This CMCO aims to curb the spread of Covid-19 in these areas and allow targeted active case detection to take place,” Ismail said in a statement today.

With CMCO, essential service businesses like restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, and pharmacies will only be able to open from 6 a.m. M. At 6 p. M.

Customers who dine in restaurants and food outlets will not be allowed during this period, only delivery, self-service and take-out will be allowed.

Only two people per household will be able to go out to buy supplies, while taxis and electronic call vehicles can only transport two passengers and operate from 6 am to 8 pm

Meanwhile, Ismail said police yesterday arrested 979 people for violating the ongoing recovery MCO.

Of them, 944 were fined, 32 in preventive detention and three released on bail.

Most of them were captured for not practicing physical distancing (516), not registering their personal data when entering shops (277) and for not wearing masks (163).

The others were arrested for activities in pubs and nightclubs, violating quarantine orders, rejecting Covid-19 tests, leaving a lockdown area without permission, operating their business without a license, and operating businesses beyond permitted hours.

Police also detained 48 undocumented immigrants and six traffickers yesterday as part of their ongoing Ops Benteng campaign. They also confiscated seven land vehicles.

