Khairuddin is free, police say no further actions for breach of quarantine


PAS MP Khairuddin Aman Razali had previously been fined RM1,000 by the Health Ministry.

KUALA LUMPUR: Police say no further action will be taken against the Minister of Plantation and Commodity Industries Khairuddin Aman Razali for his breach of the quarantine order after returning from Turkey in July.

The PAS MP was under investigation for violating the mandatory quarantine order upon returning from a work trip to Turkey.

Bukit Aman CID chief Huzir Mohamed said the decision was made because the minister had not received the form to self-quarantine upon returning to the country.

“The investigation papers had been forwarded to the Attorney General’s Office and we were ordered to classify this case as ‘no further action’,” he said today at a press conference.

He also said there was insufficient evidence to take any action or indict the minister under the Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Act of 1988.

Khairuddin faced criticism from various quarters in August for violating the order when he attended a Dewan Rakyat meeting shortly after he returned from Turkey.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Health awarded him a compound of RM 1,000 and the police were investigating him.

Politicians on both sides of the divide, including former Prime Minister Teresa Kok and former Prime Minister Najib Razak, have called on him to resign and be indicted in court, similar to how ordinary Malaysians were also indicted. And convicted of violating mandatory quarantine order.
