Kedah MB, discard online comments at your own risk


YOUR OPINION | “There really is a difference between a good statesman and an absolutely terrible one.”

Kedah MB tells the public to avoid Malaysiakini and calls on journalists to repent

Malaysia Bharu: Like the proverbial poor worker who blames his tool, Malaysiakini has become the latest victim in the Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor temple demolition saga, the typical standard operating procedure (SOP) of politicians of race and religion affected by foot-and-mouth disease.

But the spotlight is still on Sanusi because what started as a temple demolition problem has now turned into Sanusi’s competition to be Kedah MB.

Is it an MB for all Kedahans regardless of race and religion and does it have the ability to develop Kedah’s economic potential to that of its neighbor, Penang, or even the other West Coast states?

Because if left as is to play on the emotions of people of race and religion for their political power, the people of Kedah will suffer and Kedah would follow the path of PAS-ruled Kelantan and Terengganu as the most backward state in the west. coast.

The ball is now in the village court see GE15.

Malaysia is surreal art that you can buy: The MB wants to give us a tutorial on reading analogies … how sweet.

Had he simply used the word “drunk”, His-Highly-Educated, his argument that the clumsy masses have misinterpreted his analogy would have had some water.

Unfortunately, the additional words “bottle” and “toddy” came clearly out of your tongue. I’m afraid the added (slip?) Makes your statement no longer an analogy but a blatantly straightforward suggestion with nothing to read between the lines.

Before closing, I would like to remind MB that it is a tactic of war to keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. Making war with Malaysiakini, a portal of “infidels for infidels”, would not bode well for him in the long run.

As for netizens and influencers, well, you must be told that they are the new age media. Anyway, all the best, Sanusi, but Harakahdaily On its own, you may not be able to salvage your eroded reputation.

Goliath: There really is a difference between a good statesman and an absolutely terrible one. Malaysian politicians are at both ends of the divide. From their announcements, thoughts, and comments, you can roughly guess which side they belong to.

Citizens of any shape and type are citizens. They are people who pay taxes and happen to be the source of funds for the salary of this MB. In theory, it works for us.

News portals are also run by citizens and pay equally, if not more, for the well-being of these politicians. The sooner these MBs realize who they are supposed to be obligated to, the better they can perform their tasks.

This MB clearly doesn’t think it works for people. Disrespect for any news portal and Internet users of any race is a shame in itself.

Low-class pawn: Goodness! You are the only one who needs to repent. Clearly, you are blaming everyone but yourself. Every time you open your big mouth, you only dig a bigger grave for yourself.

Why are you under the illusion that you are so great and powerful and just throw everyone in your way?

The Overlook: I think you are having a hard time understanding the English comments here. Besides, he is tooArrogant stupid‘ask anyone with a better knowledge of English to interpret what we are talking about.

And, the level of critical thinking in Malaysiakini it is extremely high among some of the most prolific commenters, albeit in the English section.

Usually narrow-minded people would discriminate what they don’t understand, out of fear.

So, let’s keep commenting and let him freak out more. Narcissists like him will be concerned about anything that might cloud them, as they see a flawless version of themselves every day in their mirrors.

If netizens’ comments here are not credible and do not represent the views of real people, then why Malaysiakini brought to court Months ago? Are you saying that you are much smarter than the judges?

New day: Discard online comments at your own risk, Kedah MB. Does that mean we can rule out Harakahdaily, PAS news portal, too?

It will soon be 2021, online news and commentary is the standard forum for the dissemination of information, whether you or anyone else at PAS like it or not.

We are not obedient and we are not easily swayed by political discourse. We can see through the arrogance of politicians who make outlandish comments.

Since PAS came out of hiding in the last year, you’ve been exposed like never before. We call things by name and we will call those who exceed their powers.

Get used to 2021, MB. Get in the habit of making sure you are really ruling for all citizens and not just a few who comply.

Coward: I suppose Sanusi believes there are political advantages to keeping the issue alive in the media. So we will.

I remember one vice Minister who blew up a completely disproportionate Internet access problem in Sabah and was openly berated by the prime minister and a fellow minister when met his “nemesis” in Sabah. What happened to him? You have to bite the bullet and stop inciting the public.

Will someone verify this escalation by MB? I do not know. Perhaps a word or a gesture from the Sultan of Kedah when things start to spiral out of control? It will get out of hand if you don’t manipulate their crude and unwarranted way of silencing critics.

Keep up the good work Malaysiakini. You know you were successful in your job of holding politicians to account when they made statements like this. Ever sweeter, when they know they’re so wrong that trying to harass you with a lawsuit will cause them more embarrassment.

The truth is out there: I am an ardent subscriber and reader of MalaysiakiniI always have and always will. Most of the mainstream media report the news as it is (which most of the time is in favor of what politicians want people to hear).

Critical thinking, people. Have a mind of your own. Be curious, ask questions: what, why, when, where, how?

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