KASA ensures that REE’s exploration EIA report will be thoroughly studied


KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Environment and Water (KASA) has ensured that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the exploration of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Kedah will be studied in a professional and meticulous manner to ensure environmental sustainability.

His Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (pix) said that so far the Department of the Environment (DOE) had not received any request for approval of the project’s EIA report.

“The ministry takes the significant impact on the environment seriously and recommends that these environmentally sensitive areas be fully protected and preserved to ensure the continuity of the ecosystem for the supply of drinking water, food security, protection of the ecosystem, flora and fauna” he said during the minister’s question time at the Dewan Rakyat here today.

He said this in his response to a question from Nurul Izzah Anwar (PH-Permatang Pauh) who wanted the ministry to put in place measures to protect Ulu Muda, a source of raw water for the needs of 4.2 million people in Kedah, Perlis and Penang from the effects of toxic pollution if Rare Earth Elements (REE) exploration continues in Kedah, which covers an area of ​​163,000 hectares.

Therefore, he said, KASA as the lead agency to ensure the sustainability of nature and water, would like to emphasize that protecting the environment for the long-term sustainability of ecosystem functions will be a priority for the well-being of people. and sustainable development of the country.

Meanwhile, Tuan Ibrahim said that the Ulu Muda area was a water catchment area for three states, namely Kedah, Perlis and Penang, and the Kedah government has sacrificed a lot by not exploring the area.

“For the record, Kedah Menteri Besar just confirmed to me that he assured me that the water catchment area will not be explored and any previously approved logging areas involving the water catchment area will be replaced by other areas.

“On the enormous sacrifice of the Kedah state government, it would be nice if Penang, which has benefited enormously, could contribute financially to Kedah, which has sacrificed for the water catchment areas to ensure that the states’ water resources are guaranteed, ”he said. – Called
