Kamala Harris’ groundbreaking victory energizes Hollywood


The victory of the Democratic nomination in the hard-fought presidential race lays the foundation for the historic achievements of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Senator Harris is ready to break the glass ceiling on politics for women in the executive branch.

Not only is she the first woman to serve as Vice President, she is also the first African American and South Asian American to hold that role.

Harris’s victory comes more than 35 years after Geraldine Ferraro became the first female vice presidential candidate in a major party candidacy when she ran alongside Democrat Walter Mondale in his failed effort to oust President Ronald Reagan in 1984.

The excitement surrounding Biden’s campaign was fueled in part by liberal enthusiasm for Harris’s innovative potential. Given that Biden is now 77, many political observers see Harris well-positioned to take over the Oval Office, a possibility that could well help unify the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.

Harris is easily one of the most experienced and qualified vice presidents elected in recent memory. Born in Oakland, California, she served as a San Francisco district attorney and later rose to Golden State attorney general. She succeeded Barbara Boxer as junior senator from the state in 2016.

Harris has long been an inspiring figure for many given her accomplishments to date as the daughter of immigrants, with her mother from India and her father from Jamaica. Harris’s husband, entertainment attorney Douglass Emhoff, will also lead the way as the first person of Jewish faith to be a vice-presidential spouse.

Industry insiders and Hollywood celebrities were quick to applaud the rise of the Biden / Harris ticket after four days of uncertainty amid vote counting in states with very narrow margins.

See their reactions below.
