JYP Releases New Statement Regarding Allegations About Stray Kids’ Hyunjin + Hyunjin Writes Letter Of Apology


Following the initial statement released on February 23, JYP Entertainment has shared a new statement regarding the school violence allegations involving Stray Kids member Hyunjin.

Hello, I am JYPE.

First of all, we apologize for causing many discomfort with negative news about Hyunjin from our artist Stray Kids.
As this is a matter to be careful about, we ask for your understanding as it took some time to publish a statement based on the exact facts after investigating through various routes.

We listened to the situation at that time from the classmates who attended the same school as the member, teachers and people around, and with the permission of those who wrote the posts, we met directly with them and listened to their opinions.
Combining the information of various people, their memories of that time are completely different from each other, so there was some difficulty in clearly confirming any of the facts.

However, there are people who were hurt by Hyunjin’s immature and inappropriate actions in the past. Hyunjin deeply regrets and reflects on himself regarding this, so he met directly with those who wrote the posts and sincerely apologized.

For resolving misunderstandings with Hyunjin, for accepting his sincere apologies, and for showing support for his future, we once again express our sincere gratitude.

If there are others who couldn’t be reached but who have been hurt by Hyunjin’s actions in the past, we express our apologies.

Hyunjin has decided to live correctly while always reflecting himself from now on, and we will also go the extra mile to keep our artist on the right path.

Lastly, we ask that everyone refrain from spreading false rumors and speculative reports, and we will take more careful steps regarding the selection process for trainees and artists that we were not aware of before.


Hi, I’m Hyunjin from Stray Kids.

First of all, I sincerely apologize to those who were hurt by my inappropriate actions during my school years. Looking back at the moments when I was missing the most, I am ashamed and have no excuse. I have realized that my actions and words that did not know how to be considered with others have hurt others. It is too late, but I will reflect deeply on myself.

Whether it was intentional or not, I don’t think I can be forgiven at all for giving someone unforgettable pain.
I am deeply reflecting on myself as I know well that just because I apologized and they accepted the apology does not mean that the pain I gave in the past will be completely erased.

Although this is a shame, I want to express my gratitude to those who were hurt by me for allowing me to meet them directly to apologize belatedly and ask for forgiveness through this letter.

If there are other people who have been hurt by my inappropriate actions during my school years whom I cannot meet directly, I want to at least express my apologies by writing like this.

I sincerely apologize for causing deep disappointment to the many people who have supported me.
