Jung Joon Young and Choi Jong Hoon receive finalized prison sentences from Supreme Court


The Supreme Court of South Korea has made its final decision on Jung Joon Young and Choi Jong Hoon’s appeals.

Last November, the Seoul Central District Court sentenced Jung Joon Young to six years in prison and Choi Jong Hoon to five years in prison on charges that include aggravated rape (that is, rape involving two or more perpetrators). Both the defendants and the prosecution appealed the ruling, which led to a new round of hearings this year.

In May, the Seoul High Court reduced Jung Joon Young’s prison term to five years, while Choi Jong Hoon’s prison term was reduced to two years and six months. Both defendants also appealed the new ruling, which took the case to the Supreme Court.

It has now been reported that on September 12, the Supreme Court decided to dismiss both appeals and keep the original prison sentences.

In explaining the decision to uphold the earlier ruling, the court stated: “There was no violation of legal principles or misrepresentation of the facts due to subjective reasoning or experience in the original ruling, and there was also no misconception of jurisprudence.”

According to the Seoul High Court ruling, Jung Joon Young’s finalized prison sentence is five years, while Choi Jong Hoon’s is two years and six months.

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