Johor Sultan revives ‘Chinese Major’ title, newly appointed to work with royal foundations on community initiatives


JOHOR BAHRU: Johor Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar has revived the title of “Chinese Major” which was first introduced in the 19th century to forge ties between the Johor royal family and the Chinese community in the southern state.

In a press release on Tuesday (September 1), the chairman of the Johor Council of the Royal Court, Abdul Rahim Ramli, said that Sultan Ibrahim wishes to revive the title to ensure the “continuity of modern Johor history”.

Dr. Abdul Rahim added that the Sultan has appointed David Wong Khong Soon as “Chinese Major” as of Tuesday.

Mr. Wong is the manager of the Mado palm oil plantation and is the descendant of Mr. Wong Ah Fook, one of the founding fathers of the Chinese community in Johor, who was an immigrant builder and businessman.

Mr. Wong Ah Fook, who died in 1918, built iconic buildings such as the Victoria Concert Hall in Singapore and the Istana Besar in Johor. A main street in the center of Johor Bahru is named after him.

The press release also stated: “Chinese Commander David Wong Khong Soon will work and collaborate with the Sultan Ibrahim Foundation and other Johor royal foundations, district officials, village representatives, village chiefs and community leaders to identify the beneficiaries, coordinate, organize and implement the distribution of food and other necessities for the people of Johor, especially for the Chinese community living in different areas. “

“In the performance of this role, Chinese Major Wong Khong Soon cannot be considered a representative of the Sultan. He is not granted any power, rights, compensation, facilities or privileges,” he added.

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The statement also noted that the title was first introduced in 1840 by Temeggong Daeng Ibrahim, during the rule of Sultan Abu Bakar.

The Chinese immigrants who arrived in Johor were later relocated to areas called “Kangkar” along the banks of the Tebrau River, according to the statement. The communities were allowed to cultivate and practice their religious and cultural traditions without disturbance.

The Temeggong then appointed a leader among the residents of “Kangkar”, known as “Kangcu”, to manage and ensure the safety of the community. Those among the “Kangcu” who were able were appointed Captain and Major of China, the statement added.

Dr. Abdul Rahim stressed that the “Kangcu’s” work included being a link between the Johor Sultan and the Chinese community in Johor, collecting feedback from the Chinese community to ensure they were not marginalized, as well as building and strengthening their ties with the community in general.

The statement added that the Chinese community was grateful to Temeggong and Sultan Abu Bakar. In 1873, they built and gifted a “Chinese Hall” in Istana Besar to the Sultan to hold state assembly meetings and an area for Johor Sultan and Kangcu to meet every year to celebrate the Sultan’s birthday.

Dr. Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, told CNA that the “Kangcu system” refers to the lord of the river. In the 1800s, the Chinese community had pepper and gambier plantations flourishing along the banks of the Johor River.

He said the sultan could be reviving the title to “reaffirm his royal prerogative while sending a signal of inclusion.”

“On the bright side, it would appear that the Sultan continues the tradition of inclusion and tolerance of Johor’s multiracial society,” said Dr. Oh.
