Joe Biden will “cooperate with China” and offer a “more stable approach” to Trump’s trade war | World | News


President Trump has long accused China of unfair business practices and the theft of intellectual property, while in China, there is a view that the United States views the country as a threat and therefore seeks to slow its rise as a global economic superpower. Negotiations are ongoing, but they have proved very difficult between President Trump and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping. Trump’s tariff policy is intended to encourage American consumers to buy homegrown products by making items imported from China much more expensive.

President Trump has imposed tariffs on Chinese products worth more than £ 268 billion, and China responded with tariffs on more than £ 110 billion in American products.

Washington DC delivered three rounds of tariffs in 2018 and the fourth in September 2019, while Beijing retaliated with tariffs ranging from five to 25 percent set on American goods.

Under the ‘Phase One’ deal signed in January, China vowed to boost imports by £ 200 billion above 2017 levels while at the same time tightening intellectual property rules.

The United States agreed to halve some of the tariffs recently imposed on China and to address any additional issues in a ‘Phase Two’ deal.

While many Trump supporters undoubtedly expect a continuation of the president’s hostile policy toward power, one expert has now claimed that Joe Biden will seek to “cooperate with China” in an effort to show a “more stable approach” to the trade war. of Trump.

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Dr Andrew Moran, Professor of International Relations at London Metropolitan University, told that President Biden “has already made it clear that he favors a multilateral approach to addressing the major foreign policy issues facing the United States. “.

Dr. Moran said: “Biden is entering a relationship with China that is different from the one he left as vice president four years ago.

“It may seek to cooperate with China where there is a mutual interest, especially when it comes to climate change and possibly North Korea’s nuclear program.

“At the very least, Biden will offer a more stable approach, rather than the erratic politics of President Trump.”

The plan, also known as One Belt One Road, is a global infrastructure development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 in an effort to invest in nearly 70 countries and international organizations.

While the plan seems generous on the surface, there are a number of problems with the scheme and it has raised concerns about the control surrounding the Chinese state.

The plan provides jobs, new industry and modernization to economically vulnerable third world countries around the world, while expanding China’s influence.

One school of thought suggests that China’s BRI is designed to set “debt traps” that chain China’s partners to the authoritarian state and allow Beijing to seize strategic assets abroad as compensation for unpaid loans and contracts.

One thing is absolutely certain: the challenge that China poses to the international community is complex.

Dr Moran added: “While it seeks to increase its influence regionally, not least by controlling the sea lanes it needs to keep open as a mercantile nation in the South China Seas, its global ambitions remain unclear.

“Many are concerned that China may feel that it is now emerging from a ‘century of humiliation’ at the hands of the West, dating back to the Opium Wars and beyond.”

Dr. Moran said this was highlighted recently by China’s disregard for Western concerns over the crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong and the detention of more than one million Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang.

The professor concluded: “It is not surprising that some commentators have suggested that the Trump presidency, and its disgraceful end, have undermined America’s democratic values ​​and significantly emboldened China’s leaders.

“This has increased their confidence in the superiority of their own system and allowed them to ridicule the West when approaching potential client states.”
